So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

That you did, anything else you wanna get off your chest?

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Nope I’m pretty content.

If you say so.

This guy thinks the average raider is the “1%” :man_facepalming:

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I’m happy to compromise for Player Housing, if a bed can only be placed in certain slots, like the Garrison buildings.

If you feel like there’s no room for you in dragonflight, don’t buy it. Hit them where it matters. They have no reason to listen to the complaints of people who buy the expansions and play no matter what.


I don’t care about the ilvl nerf, as long as I can still do content. What I hate is on beta it seems it will take months to get that gear from invasions. ZM was a sweet spot of a few weeks of getting geared. Months is tiring.

I know there are invasions and world quests for open world. And I’ve seen some pet battles (it wouldn’t let me battle to test them). There will be rep and professions.

But I hope they still have things like world secrets and single player challenges. I would not mind Brawler’s Guild coming back. That was always fun.

I really don’t think what we get at launch is all we’ll have for open world. But I really hope the invasion gearing doesn’t mean that content patches will be too spread out.

My dude it’s nothing what it was before,
One, it shows who exactly can wear that armor…say it’s cloth, it will say priest warlock, mage…

And only the people that can actually wear the armor can roll for it…and if it’s their main spec

This basically means not every weapon will be a hunter weapon…

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Their answers shows they actually haven’t read it or how it works.

I have, which is why I’ve not bought Dragonflight yet. Also, I’ve said way, way more about DF than just the items, even though I understand why some people can only see the part about the items.

With respect to crafting: I like crafting items, for myself and others. I like being a crafter. Achieving Armorsmith back in the day was one my proud WoW moments, and I still have the trinket. I like wearing the stuff I create, and I create tons of stuff that I can’t wear, but others can.

Being able to wear only five things that I create, is stupid. I don’t give a damn about iLvL, I MADE IT. This is fun to me. My fun should not be relegated to idiotic play, based on a totally different mode of play I don’t play.

I’m sure someone will come along and snip one or two words from this and spin into something supporting the change, but whatever. There’s no real conversation to be had on these forums anymore. The modern age has trained people to barely type a paragraph, much less read them.


Everybody gets rewards, though.

This forced “us versus them” with “the 1%” narrative keeps falling apart. :dracthyr_love_animated:

The same is fine for all of these, as it has been.

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I know and it’s a shame :cry:

I can’t believe they figured out my super fast gearing strategy!


Dragonflight has the Explorers League, rock climbing, Invasions in the world, Pet Battles, other activities and items unlocked via new reputation system, world rares/bosses, new world based scenarios that unlock at various levels, dragon races, gathering and crafting, and probably more.

I’m actually happy if there is stuff to do that is fun, has some level of progression, and isn’t tied to stupid boring gear.

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This basically means not every weapon will be a hunter weapon…

Objection hearsay


You still have your daily/weekly quests, your zone exploration and loremasters, your crafting and gathering, and they added Primalist Invasions with cool mog rewards.

You can also bang out a low key, LFR, pug/guild raid normal mode, same as before. You can do Random BGs just fine without ladder climbing. You can soak your toe into Solo Shuffle for a rated experience that doesn’t require having set partners.

What is this even abou…

Oh. You just want epics mailed to you.


It isn’t that hard to push keys, you just need to care about what you’re doing enough to figure out the proper spec, gearing, and rotation. Then dodge mechanics.

Compared to the one top ilvl item you can get now.

Crafting has improved a bunch.

A good chunk of them can still be Warrior weapons though. :dracthyr_comfy_red:

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Good lord, you’ve proved the rest of my post remarkably. Amazingly done.

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Every single time. :dracthyr_love_animated: