So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Oh, I can read just fine sweet cheeks.
And you’re tiresome have a good day

Since you can’t follow a conversation a 10-year old could, I’m going to go with no. I mean it’s right here, just a few posts up but instead of doing it you’re just calling me sweet cheeks like some 90-year old man.


Don’t scream at the art department over pvp balance. At least with this I understand because people don’t know that there are more than a single team working on a game.

I am not sure how it has devolved into raiders vs everyone else in this game while other games people just complain directly to the devs.


I don’t know about anyone else cause I ain’t reading all that but the OP doesn’t target anyone specifically and just says “Blizzard.”

LFG is hard.
Just for funnsies. I made this current hunter you see in my profile in… April? I wanted to see how fast I could level and get ksm and pug it.
2 weeks. It would have been 1, but I started at the end of 1 week so I missed leveling and hitting the required tyrannical in the same week.

Morale of that story, use the tools blizzard gives you… like lfg if you are a casual. I have a pretty serious mythic+ guild and I still use it. You can almost 100% pug everything in this game in its current state without a serious time sink.

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It’s all blizzards fault op can’t do proper time management xD

I don’t know what you mean. I didn’t say anything about time management.

They are essentially blaming blizzard for their own poor time management. Since you said you weren’t reading all of it. That’s the jist.

First week CN was back, there was a lot of faulty memories. Not necessarily toxic to discuss where to place markers and how to deal with long forgotten mechanics.

I don’t get what the complaint is here. You refused to join their guild, and thus didn’t get treated as a guildie. Non-toxic interaction on their part.

Fated CN is scaled up you know. Normal drops 278 gear, and the damage checks aren’t something people in 184 gear can do like when CN got released.

This made me curious so I scrolled down a few posts. I don’t think that’s what they meant here:

To me they’re saying the solo player gets 5 recolors of the same mount and the gladiator gets something unique.

I get what they’re saying and I was kind of saying the same thing. Couple people kept asking me if I did all the covenant stuff and I kept replying that I don’t see the point.

I can get this mount for hitting level 39:

I can get this one for doing the annoying PoA:

It’s the same mount but one is pink and the other is white. Plus there are like 8 cats with that model so why bother? I already have a few of them so it doesn’t seem worth it to me.

I believe their point was why didn’t you (you=Blizzard) give people something more unique for doing a covenant activity like PoA?

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Where did I say I refused to join the guild? Did you just quote that without reading any of it? Why do I bother asking? Of course you did.

Yeah I’m going back to not replying to you.


Seems like the time you said “solo players” and then proceeded to talk about Challenge Mode dungeons as content.

That was the “safe” ilvl for CN normal in 9.0. It’s why I referenced it. Fated increased that requirement by a good margin.

Why do you feel 265 is so out of touch for it ?

Stop responding all you want, won’t change the facts of it.

It depends if you are after achievements and collecting essentially.
If you aren’t after that stuff, I wouldn’t bother.

Its an extra thing for challenge. I’ve done most of it. You get tmog, pets, mounts.
Tbh if they made it for anything other than pure cosmetic, it would make people mad.
I made a decent amount of gold from running mine. But I was spamming it for awhile.

ROFL well played, well played.

Do something so outrageous and dishonest that I break down and reply again. But it’s ok because after this I’m just going to put you on ignore so I can’t see your lies anymore.

Btw, I was going to ask to join their guild that night but I’m glad they showed their true colors before I paid for a server transfer. I wasn’t the only person they did this to either.

Their guildies couldn’t be bothered to clear the raid so they picked up a couple of suckers from LFG (me and another guy). They then promise up and down they are going to bring us back. We didn’t ask because I’m sure the other guy felt the same way I did, just lucky to tag along, so it was pretty crappy of them to get our hopes up like that then leave us out to dry.

But of course you’re not going to look at it that way because it doesn’t fit your narrative of I’m wrong.

We have cross-realm guildies. They have an alt in the guild, but some of their toons are still cross-realm in a community we set up.

If the guild is saying “We prioritize guildies” obviously you’re not a guildie. So it seems to me like you wanted to join them, but not server transfer any toons over. It’s not toxic to then not get you in for mounts, since you’re most likely not gonna stick around if you can’t even commit a toon to the guild.

Seeing how you said you unsubbed in September, that guild ended up being right not to take you.

Put me on ignore, won’t change the facts here : you were not the “victim” of toxicity, the guild was acting in a perfectly understandable manner. The fact you can type out the story and not come to this conclusion says more of your understanding of guild culture.

Merpish was right in this case :

WTB downvote

There is no I in “team”
There is no I in “world of warctaft”

I used to be pretty heavy into mount collecting but SL cured me of that. The mount bloat burned me out. Plus, I don’t think the time spent was worth the reward (recolor #5.)

I feel it. But I am a +1 chaser. I think I am sitting at exactly 500 mounts now… god help me lol

The last thing that Blizzard has done is abandon open-world gameplay. The amount of puzzles, treasures, mounts, collectibles and pets in SL dwarfs the amount available in any expac before. ZM alone has multiple crafting, collecting and exploration paths. I’m also a bit of a quest fanatic - i got loremaster and Seeker within a few days of them releasing achievements because I had done almost every quest in the game. I can say with confidence that the quest design in WoW has never been this innovative and charming as it has in SL.

Should pet battles and recipe collecting eventually give you raid loot?

As long as gear is the motivating factor, people will just treat others as a tool to get what they want, once someone gets what they want from their group, they are just as likely, if not more so, to dump them and move on to the ones that can get them the next stage.

Maybe at least a few of the ones that like the fact they don’t need to interact with other people are the ones that really should NOT interact with other people.

The real fix for issues lies with Blizzard, however if they refuse to do anything, it is up to us players to do what we can. As long as people are selfish, the content will not matter. WoW maybe a social game, but should that not mean the best incentive is not gear, but the friendships and memories those friendships create? I mean which would be the better thing to have:

  1. a piece of gear that you get then dump your group once you got?
  2. that same piece of gar that you worked with your team to get, having fun along the way, and once you get it, congratulations all around and the memories of the journey, of those who were with you on it, etc.

As long as people feel forced to group up, it will only further break any social cohesion people have in game, maybe what is needed is not incentives to group, but incentives to treat people as more then just tools.