So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

They’re just trying to play the victim. And their version of toxicity. Is way and above what normal people call toxicity that’s the only thing I can come up with

Why does someone need to be 265 for CN, even fated?

If you’re passively-aggressively talking about me, I’m not “playing the victim.” I got my cat week 3.

If you honestly can’t get 265

You don’t, but some people are looking for a relatively smooth run through the raid. If you don’t like the requirements people are setting for their groups you can literally make your own group and call it “No Reqs, Slime Cat Group.”

Trust me there was no passive aggressive of course I was talking about you

Then why are you whining about 265 gear
And toxicity

I’m not. Learn to read is all I can tell you.

I saw stuff and had this experience.
I didn’t, so you’re wrong. Cause this dude agrees…
sample size … lul … 3
Yet, they all searched for groups, at different times, at different gear levels, at different player experience levels, with different preferences, with different search terms ect ect.

This is the dumbest line of reasoning.

Your experience is yours alone. It provides nothing but an account of your day. It’s a story.

The only way I could see anyone finding meaningful data is using the same methodology as literature surveys do, but use forum headlines.

And even then, you’re only going to get forum goers, willing to post a thread.

Yea I can read just fine

The weird relationship between Blizzard and the playerbase is what makes it an outlier imo. Other games have their own share of toxicity, but it doesn’t manifest itself in quite the same way that WoW’s does. No other MMO that I have played has players that are as viciously negative and hostile towards their game’s dev team as WoW players are to Blizz.

WoW also has an excessive amount of in-fighting going on amongst player groups like instance vs. solo players that is not the norm in other communities. For example, in FFXIV, there are high-end players that will occasionally grumble about the FFXIV dev team spending time on systems like crafting or housing instead of creating more raids. But it rarely ever devolves into players going at each other’s throats in 1000+ reply forum threads.


Casual players saved MMO’s. Blizz didn’t get the memo i think.


Casual wow players with deep pockets. Paying the 1 percent for runs

ROFL that just proves you can’t read.

The person I replied to said people are terrified of raiding.
I asked how do you know?
They said they read it in slime cat threads.
I said I was in those threads and people were complaining about unrealistic expectations.
Then you jump into the conversation without bothering to look at context and start squawking about “HURRR DURR IT’S JUST 265 GEAR”
Then I asked why do you need 265 gear for CN, even fated?

Then that brings us to you “DURRRR U A VICTUM” because you can’t be bothered to read the entire conversation.

Yeah whatever you say sweet cheeks

Exactly. “Huh huh I was busted so I’ll just call you sweet cheeks. Nailed it.”

No there was no busting, you can live in that delusion if you want.

Sure, sure. Get back to me when your reading comprehension improves “sweet cheeks.” :kissing: