So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Ditto but I decided to not do it for DF. Feels like the same ol’ same.

That’s the plan. I’ll do the prelaunch then take a break until something interesting gets put into the game. Not sure why that offends people.

I’m going to need a quick rundown on these “types”. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

It’s an “afterthought”. Because there was so much design focus and thought going into Isle of Giants, but really, Path of Ascension that’s literally a vehicule based Brawler’s guild, with multiple quests to unlock opponents, that’s a complete after thought, thrown together over a lunch break.

You mean like the green protodrake from WotLK? You need to farm an egg and then wait real time hours (time gated) and pray you hatch it into a mount.
Rng+time gate that rewards protodrake recolor#4, wotlk best expansion evah

lol my evenings are filled with D&D, Rings of Power, Dinner with my Fiance, Magic the Gathering, and Consuming content on YouTube for World of Warcraft all to go to bed and wake up again. The point is that my life is very full. I don’t want to disengage with my relationship either since a lot of people just spend hours on end with video games and then neglect relationships and family in the process.

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You mainly are a challenge/competitive type of player. You play this game for prestige and competition not to relax and just enjoy character progression.

I didn’t bring up Wrath or say it was the best xpac ever so I’m not sure where you’re going with this.

Kennie you can’t say stuff like this, people get really mad when you expose their actual motivations to their face.

Who are these people getting mad? Just curious.

So you don’t have a life, since you schedule your gaming time ?

Ok, but don’t claim you have more of a life than people who fill it with Mythic raiding. :man_shrugging:

You play D&D and MTG for cripe’s sake.

Marla and Angellicus. Do you have them on ignore ?

No, I’m mostly a collector.

I’m super relaxed, though. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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you pvp and do mythic plus


What’s not relaxing about Mythic plus ?

15s are super chill, he doesn’t even do that high for most of his keys.

Even 20s are pretty chill this season, although I only did keys for a couple of weeks.

I’m literally more stressed walking accross the bridges on Sylvannas in LFR than I am about doing any keys.

Literally same. :sob: Like four people fell off when I did Fated last week.

He’s said it many many times. Here is one for you.

“A minority of players raid. A minority of players participate in PvP. A tiny minority touch Mythic raiding. A tiny minority of players do rated PvP. A minority of players have several max-level alts. A minority of players do pet battles, roleplay, list things for sale on the auction house, do Challenge Mode dungeons, and the list goes on. Virtually the only activity that a clear majority of players participate in is questing and level-up dungeons, but even then there’s a sizeable group that views those activities as a nuisance that they have to get through in order to reach their preferred endgame.” Ion Hazzikostas


So no end game solo world play. He’s literally saying most players just level.

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He also said mythic raiders are a TINY minority