So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

I was in alpha and beta for Shadowlands - I didn’t play for the first year of Shadowlands because I hated the content.

So was I, what a coincidence! We’re both so special.

you are going on ignore. You just want to troll this thread it appears.

No, I answered legitimately, you ignored my entire post.

But that’s always the goto for your type. Get proven entirely wrong, “I ignore now because I don’t actually know how to disprove anything you said”. Typical.

He’s explaining the presence of the content people are requesting but ignore because it doesn’t actually offer player power, the thing everybody pretends they don’t care about.

Covenant mogs, achievements, questlines, ember court, abom factory, etc, are all casual solo world content.

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You don’t need mythic gear to do covenant activities but of course you don’t like that. AND because you don’t like it, it doesn’t exist for you.
You keep saying you want more solo content but that’s just false. You want content that you like.

And remember, class changes are just for elitists. Solo players don’t even use talents.

Do you have me on ignore? Because I’ve said several times that as a solo player I don’t care about getting the best gear from solo content.

The rewards from covenants don’t feel worth it to me. It’s just recolors.

Gotcha, so we’re trying to think of players who only absorb a single avenue of content. So what’s the proposed solution to address this without alienating middle of the road players? I feel like if we start handing out heroic raid quality gear for doing stuff like World Quests, you basically wipe out like a third of the player base,

Blizzard used to give me that.

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Do you have Marla on ignore ? He’s replying to Marla.

Even without recolors that’s still 16 new sets of transmog gear in 9.0.

So you have solo content to do…. But you’re choosing not to do it, and then complaining about not having said content?

Am I getting this right?

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No. I’m complaining that solo content is feeling like an afterthought and not enjoyable anymore. It’s also not worth it because it just rewards dog recolor #4.

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Isle of Giants was great. Pull mobs, loot bones.

Party Herald was bad. Do quests to unlock guests, do different activities based on different guest lists, prep guest lists based on affixes, have multiple reps tied with different rewards.

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It does not exist. And if he did say it, it was probably not something he said off the cuff. This game has analytics. They probably know how many people actually engage with their world content. It is likely vanishingly small. Because, as I have said, if the content is difficult or if it doesn’t reward the best gear in the game, people do not do it.

Welcome to the world of pvpers lmao. Notice how many balance changes PvP got in SL? Next to none.

Notice how much tuning has been going on recently for DF? Now how much of that was PvP tuning?

Yet, the people who enjoy pushing rating are still playing the game, and played the game all through SL.

If the game sucks super hard, people just wait for an update or patch, and then they’re back.

What would you say are some of the best pieces of solo content that you’ve enjoyed in past xpacs? Like what would you have Blizzard bring back?

I know for me the fishing daily from WOTLK with the rotation schedule and surprise bag would be near the top of the list for me.

It’s all so arbitrary, isn’t it? :dracthyr_tea: Old good, new bad. No, I won’t elaborate. Maybe in four years enough time will have passed where it’s socially acceptable to have enjoyed any aspect of Shadowlands.


I understand most of what you are saying until this point. Pretty much all end game content outside of mythic raid and extremely high keys are “queue-able”. If you don’t like being told no you can always make your own group.

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I don’t like any of that. Those are things that appeal to your types more than my types.