So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

I didn’t say it wasn’t solo content, I said it wasn’t good solo content. I didn’t enjoy it and you and Raiimir mocking me isn’t going to suddenly make it fun.

Remind me again what that was? It was so awesomely fun that I forgot.

No. I already have like 3 deer mounts and I don’t see the point in getting a fourth.


Because I didn’t find it enjoyable.

I don’t know why you’re treating my feelings on an xpac like I called your girl/boyfriend fat and ugly but it’s weird.

SL isn’t going to mind that I didn’t like it.

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Because you presented them as facts. You presented a list, deny any such list for Shadowlands, and made the very factual statement that MoP didn’t have solo play as an afterthought, but other expansions did.

This is a statement not of opinion. This is a statement about Blizzard’s intention.

Yet you want to destroy the biggest incentive of all : progression. Progression is what incentivizes you to step out of your comfort zone and discover new things.

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Back in the day we used to call it the Carrot. Not everyone got to eat the carrot.

And yet, you would flatly deny others the same. :confused:

sounds pretty for me and not for thee bud.

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I’m not the game’s developer.

No one in WoW is denied progression. The instance portals are there for you to step through at any time you want.

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You’ll be free to find a new game to play when you don’t get your way.

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I mean, that’s more something for you than for me.

The game is perfectly fine with me. I’m getting the gear I need because I don’t mind stepping through instance portals.

My original post said I was tired of seeing updates for DF that were for raiders, pvpers and mythic+ people. Then I said it seemed like MoP was the last xpac Blizzard cared about solo players. I also said that Blizzard couldn’t even be bothered to bring back Brawler’s guild.

No where did I say “MoP good, SL bad.” You said that. I said I didn’t enjoy SL and most solo content after MoP felt like an afterthought. I stand by that which is why I’m pretty much (but not completely) done with this game. I’ll be happy to come back if better solo content is added.

Like 90% of DF updates you see are talents and class updates.

Nothing to do with raiding, mythic+ or pvp.

World content already got its announcement earlier, Raiding was next and then Mythic+. Did you miss the whole Primalist Invasions announcement ? It literally was done before they announced Raiding and M+ loot changes.

This is all besides the whole crafting system updates and talents they are adding.

It seems to me if all you’re seeing of DF is mythic+, pvp and raiding, you’re not really looking at all.

ROFL what?

The prepatch? It’s why I resubbed.

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What I’m advocating for is the preservation of group content. I’m advocating people try and socialize with the hundreds of thousands of people that play this game. The last 6 years have seen a complete decay in the social fabric between players, it’s the reason the community has become so hostile to one another, because so many people view and treat each other like NPCs.

And the solution the “open-world” crowd is actively seeking would only further alienate players from each other. I want to reverse this. I want players to have access to enjoyable solo content that they can approach at their own pace, whenever they want. But I also want there to be an incentive for people to try and interact with one another, and gear IS that motivating factor. If you want better gear it’s time to put on your big girl pants and start talking to other players, start forming bonds.

The biggest mistake this genre ever made was fully embracing the “solo-player” to the point that they no longer have any need to interact with other people. MMOs are social games, if you are actively seeking an anti-social experience, there are quite literally hundreds of other games that do it better.

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What ? Go scroll wowhead, all you see are pretty much talent tree updates and class changes.

Yeah but saying talent tree updates and class changes have nothing to do with raiding, pvp and mythic+ made me laugh.

What does it have to do with those ?

Don’t solo players play classes ?

Maybe my account is weird, I need to pick a class to do WQs. Is this something I should ticket ? Where I can do WQs without having a class ?

Which is kind of meant to serve as a stepping stone.

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The community / forums / crosssite forums have been a cesspool of hostility since the very start of wow. Did you forget Elitest Jerks Ion, and tigole kaplans rants. LOL

Times changed, and the game has to change with them. We are 18 years in. The golden age where wow had 120 million players is long long long gone.

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I don’t. I’m not one of those people that thinks I should get mythic quality gear from kicking a squirrel (cough Legion cough). I don’t need mythic quality gear to raise a mount from an egg like I did in Wrath, MoP and BfA. I don’t need mythic quality gear for a cool feature like the farm.

Sometimes people don’t have time for group content and WoW has always been a game that was friendly to both the solo and group player. Hell, they used that as a selling feature on the original box for vanilla WoW (“play solo or with a group of friends!”) WoW was trying to kill the giant at the time, EverQuest, which pretty much didn’t let you solo anything easily.

And the experience I had trying to get the slime cat turned me off to getting back into organized group content. My experience was the problem was with the snotty raiders and not the solo player.

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So I feel like I’m missing something in this argument about casual players not having progression.

First of all, 100% agree that there should be much more non-trivial open world content, or at least non-raid/dungeon content. Torghast and Corrupted Visions had so much potential but fell flat on their faces for some pretty obvious reasons.

Having said that…it seems like much of this argument is around the idea gear/rewards. And that’s where I’m confused. It seems like between world bosses, regular Mythic dungeons, raid finder, and upgradable gear like the stuff you got from Korthia and ZM should provide several opportunities for a gear upgrade each week. And then you’ve got the boxes you get from doing timewalking events. On my alts I have felt like gear is accessible with just a couple of hours in a week of play.

But beyond that I guess I don’t understand why a casual most open world player feels they need gear that is on par with that of Raiders and M+ players as long as they are progressing noticeably. If you’re a casual player, then by definition you’d be doing easier content, or doing stuff like achievement and mount farming which for the most part has a very low gear requirement. So I guess I’m missing how giving people bigger/better rewards for doing more difficult content takes away from your experience as a casual player? Definitely not trying to troll or fuel flames, genuinely trying to understand here

No it isn’t. The game has provided plenty of world content for the players mentioned in OPs post up to the last couple of expansions. I have played 13 years I think now and I have had enough world content to keep me busy without doing dungeons and raids up to Shadowlands.

Ion has stated a large portion of the playerbase just does world content

that just makes more content for raiders and mythic plus players - not for solo world content players because we don’t have the gear for that.

I am having a hard time even having enough world quests to do in Dragonflight because to open up the areas requires doing quests in 70 elite areas which I can’t do solo.

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