So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

But you didn’t. Why wouldn’t we trust the word of the guy that put in the effort?

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he gave you a lot list of things

for world content players it was the worst expansion ever in my opinion - had nothing to do with locks.


Because there’s no point. Tovi knows full well the list will be longer.

They got the same fare they have been getting since Legion. More than what they got at any time prior.

Mounts, Pets, Cosmetics, WQ/Dailies, hubs, reps, and some LFR level gear. And all the same queued content they have had since 6.2 introduced Timewalking.

No, I am not lying. It’s how I feel. Legion had the MT which was a great solo feature but it was in the second half of the xpac and the first half was not that great.

Like what? Borghast? Yeah I’ll give you that one. What else? Grinding anima to do each covenants boring grind for mount, pet or armor recolor #5? Sure I’ll give you that too.

MoP’s dailies, stories and other things it had to offer was much, much more enjoyable.

Yeah I get it and said it: better gear. Again: zzzzzzzzzzzzz

I like things to have an end point. For MoP the end point of CM was all 11 class sets. I get that people love doing the same dungeon 100x for whatever crazy reason but I don’t and that’s the point I’m making and you seem to be missing.

This is my opinion and my opinion is Blizzard cares more for raiders, mythic+ and pvpers because they buy tokens and generate views. Fine. I wish these people well but I’m not paying for it anymore until they give solo players more.

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190 more users in this thread aside from Tovi, who may not have a clue.

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You’re forgetting quite a lot of solo content in Legion if all you can list is MT.

Rares, treasures, Covenant features, Korthia, Assaults, special questlines like cleansing Lordaeron, Zereth Mortis, Pocopoc, the Cypher gear system, etc… etc…

Like are you serious ? You remember Isle of Giants, a giant bone grind, but not Pocopoc ?

11 class sets is literally 100 runs of the same dungeon pool.

You’re literally contradicting yourself at every step.

look - I can’t take you seriously because you don’t have a clue about just playing world content. Yes I know you like the direction the game is going in because they are catering to you but we should have content as well and they keep removing it from us.

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I probably played more of it than you did. So there’s that.

Just because you don’t like Torghast, doesn’t mean it’s not solo content that exists in the game right now. Have you tried Jailers Gauntlet? It’s pretty good.

Have you completed your Cyphers in ZM? How about all 4 Sanctum activities? Are you a Veilstrider?

There is a ton of solo content you’re literally just ignoring. Why?

Because farming endlessly for bones on Isle of Giants is content, but finishing Disciple of Humility is not. Because MoP is good, and Shadowlands is bad.

In Shadowlands maybe because I hated the world content. But I max out 20 characters in BFA and I got straight across exalted on all the reps on close to 10 of them.

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I’ll do you one better :slight_smile:
Because it doesn’t reward them with really good gear.

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Incentives. In a gear progression game if there isn’t gear involved, why would you do it? Funsies … oh yay

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You’re right in most cases, but Tovi is actually special. He does in fact just prefer mog/mounts.

Of which there is no lack of in Shadowlands, especially compared to something like Mists.

Heck, just through 9.0 Covenants, there were 4x4x4 full mog sets to collect. That’s a lot of mog. I haven’t even finished all the plate.

No I’m not but if you’re looking to argue over nothing then I can see how you can say that.

I did not find SL enjoyable and I don’t think the solo content was as good as it was in MoP. I feel that solo content in SL was an after thought. Judging by the updates I keep seeing for DF it will be the same way. I’m not going to support that until Blizzard puts more effort into content for solo players.

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People want gear, so what?
You seem to want only you to have gear.
Ok. I don’t agree.

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FINALLY someone is at least saying the quiet part out load. We get it, you want to do braindead content and be rewarded on par with people who actually attempt this game’s challenging content.

Thank you for at least being honest. I respect it.


Solo content in MoP was a literal afterthought. Throw a bunch of blue :exclamation: points around and call it a day.

Just the fact you had 64 total mog sets in just 9.0 alone was already more content to clear than MoP for transmog. And those sets were higher quality than even the CM sets.

The entire covenant system was designed as a core part of SL, far from an after thought, and included massive amounts of solo player content and rewards on its own, even if we don’t go and factor in typical fare of WQs with associated rep grinds, Zone rares and treasure hunting, Torghast or the Maw stuff. And that’s just 9.0.

I couldn’t care less what you do. I don’t care how hard you think it is. Or what value you attach to it.

I care about having a good time playing this game. Incentives make the game feel rewarding. From top to bottom. If you can’t have fun, because i’m having fun. That is a problem. And it is currently a problem. Because nothing will ever satisfy mythic raiders unless they have 100% control over who gets what.

You can certainly cry that someone got a piece of equivalent gear without equivalent effort. Go ahead.
If the game is overall more fun and feels rewarding to people outside of mythic raids, to get less than mythic gear, but not trash either. Then it’s probably a good idea.

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What? So they can’t go back to a different system because people will instantly think they’re on life support?
If people wanted to relive the good old days they woud just play classic.