So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

So basically be rich and play video games lol

No, basically get a 9-5, and then have some hours in the evening you can always count on having.

How is this hard ? Where am I not being clear ?

It’s crazy to me how so many people on these forums create this “Us vs Them” argument when these decisions being made are on Blizzard. When it comes to the open world, Blizzard just isn’t innovative to create a fun, long term, lasting experience. The last time I felt any kind of way towards the open world was Legion and imo they’ve done jack all to improve things.

If the baseline is going to remain the same where the World Quests are playing Candy Crush, then I don’t think gear progression should go far at all.

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stop with the “I have a life” line first. it’s stupid.

everyone who plays this game has a life. yours and your inability to manage your time doesn’t make you superior to anyone else.


we do spend a lot of time being needlessly angry at each other when none of us are in any way responsible for the decisions blizzard makes.

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This why I canceled my sub in September and why I will cancel it again after the prelaunch. I was sick and tired of every update on Wowhead for Dragonflight being for raiders, mythic+ and pvpers.

MoP was the last expac where Blizzard seemed to have truly cared about the solo player. There was so much stuff to do outside of raiding and pvp that people complained there was too much to do. In SL they couldn’t be bothered to bring the Brawler’s Guild back.

I’m no longer funding esports in this game if Blizzard isn’t going to throw the solo player a bone. A really good start would be player housing.


By giving you a bunch of dailies and locking dailies behind doing some dailies in a zone before you could do dailies in another zone ? Dailies every day, all day!

Shadowlands had better solo content than MoP. At least it had diversity of WQs, Weeklies, Rare mount farms, secret mounts and Covenant special events.


there is world content but omg so much of it requires a group and even to open some up you need to have a group or else you are stuck short on WQ for weeklies.

They have a 5 group quest required for one of the weeklies this week and I went to the area 8 times before I found players wanting to do it. I know it is just beta issue but you aren’t going to be able to solo that even later in the expansion and it may be hard to find a group when you want.

Half of the world quests seem to be requiring a group and a significant portion of the others will cause people problems because of the heights and requirements.

Pet battle dailies.
Raising your own wind serpent.
The farm that grew stuff that gave you a source of gold.
Brawler’s Guild
Proving Grounds
CM Dungons that gave you awesome cosmetic rewards.
Zandalari Warbringers
Isle of Giants
Dominance Offensive
Legendary quest line, which was pretty good.
Isle of Thunder
Timeless Isle
Yes, the original daily quest hubs. Couple of them had good storylines.
Northern Barrens

I’m not sure what content from SL was better than what I listed.


I agree MoP was the last expansion I didn’t have much problem with any of the content. It was nice just to log in and being able to do what I want and never run out of things to do.

Ghost Crawler for whatever his faults actually made the game for everyone.

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Still in game.



Only one with some thing.

Still in game.

Not solo.

Very not solo. Still in game too, called Mythic+, more accessible.









So you’re comparing the full expansion vs just the launch patch in DF ? I mean Shadowlands has the same list of content by that measure, especially if you add in Korthia, Covenant assaults, Zereth Mortis, Mythic+, etc. etc…

you compared it to Shadowlands and SL was worst expansion ever so far

also you raid and do mythic plus - you are hardly in a position to talk about what solo players have

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The only reason people regarded it as such is the Covenant lock in 9.0.

It’s funny because Tovi used group content to say MoP was better for solo players.

They are a shadow of what they were in MoP. Now they are just a WQ on your map that may or may not be up.

Plus, there was the legendary battles on Timeless Isle.

So? The path to get that mount was fun.

Again… so? The farm was awesome and useful.

I never said they weren’t… I was listing features of MoP.

It was queue-able.

So which mythic+ gives you a unique armor set for your class?


Again, it’s queue-able. I don’t need to be in a guild, have a premade group or beg someone that wants to be carried to let me in their raid.

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Still in game.

Rep grind with mount at exalted. It was just a bunch of “collect things”, “kill things” dailies.

Shadowlands also has dailies. :man_shrugging:

Still not solo, you said solo players, you needed 3 for a scenario.

It gives better : actual usable gear. Also you said solo players and this didn’t apply. Like at all. I dunno why’d you go and list CMs as something that made MoP friendly to solo players.

You literally said solo player here :

Hard to complain about DF launch when you’re tossing all the content patches for MoP to declare it superior.

Can’t do it solo. If we count queued content, that’s all still there, in game. LFR is still there.

In fact, with Timewalking, we actually have more.

No, that’d be either TBC or Warlords. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I never said they weren’t in the game. I have no idea why you keep saying that. I was listing it as a feature of the xpac.

No there was a small quest and races.

But it has nothing like the farm.

But it’s queue-able. I consider content you can queue for solo friendly because you don’t need a guild, second person or begging to get in.

How is it better? Gear becomes useless patch by patch but transmog is forever.

Anyways, you didn’t need a guild to do CM dungeons but yes you needed a group. This was more of a response to you saying SL had better content than MoP and I disagree.

MoP gave you a reason and new challenge to do the same dungeon more than once. Mastered it on a Warrior? Cool now do it on a Mage. What is the point of doing mythic+ after you got the one mount that’s account bound? Better gear. zzzzzzzzzzzz

I have no idea what you’re talking about here. I said I was tired of seeing all the updates for DF be for group content.


Cute hats are the true endgame.

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He’s trying to catch you out on the smallest detail, so he can proudly proclaim everything you’ve said as invalid. If it doesn’t stick, then capslock and others will team up and bully ya into submission. Modus operandi.


Look, let’s cut this short. You said that MoP was the last expansion Blizzard cared about Solo players.

Obviously that’s a lie, since actually since Legion, solo players have been getting massively more pampered than they ever were prior.

The amount of content for solo players in Shadowlands is on par with what you listed for MoP if not actually a bit more. MoP did not have tons of zones with treasures and rares in 5.0 like SL had in 9.0.

If we made a list like you did, I could make a longer list for SL than MoP, and an even longer list for BfA.

I’ll address this one : CMs had less replayability than Mythic+, by far, evidenced by the low participation.

You mastered Mythic+ on a warrior ? Impossible, there’s always a +1. For Gold CMs, once you did them, it was that. Beat your time by 20 seconds or don’t, there’s nothing more. It never gets harder. By your 3rd clear, you’re one shotting dungeons, regardless of playing a different class, since nothing is really class specific.

Mythic+, there’s no limit. You will reach the ceiling and you’ll need to get better to break it. It’s why there’s massively more keys run than there were CMs run.