So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

I do play ridiculously long hours and I’d prefer being able to run alts this time without all that mingless eterna-grind crap the last two expansions were vomiting up at me from 6 weeks in.

If I wanted god gear, Id go run harder content to get it.
I wanted those SL’s pvp trinkets on 5 characters, so I Warmoded up and went and got them.
I dont have any interest in group content in live much anymore other than where required to get a recipe or something.

What doesnt make sense to me is IF Im solo casual, and Im not running harder content consistently anyway, what do I need high end gear for?
I mean, I guess for running old content raids solo, but other than that, I dont see why Id even want it. One shotting everything out in the world for 18 months isnt my idea of fun. NOT doing that is why I have so many characters locked so I CANT do it. I enjoy some level of fighting back from the trash and elites.

yea it does

Right there. This is a gear beg thread.

That can happen with PL. even then if you can need it just need it.

Literally isn’t possible

That already happens on pl.

It’s literally less possible to be abused than PL.

Thank you for either lying or not understand how the system works.

Other games with the types of housing systems that people are asking for (and there have been MANY, going back over 20 years) have functional features that WoW lacks. For example, in most of them you’re able to drop stuff on the ground. You can’t do that in WoW (except for conjured items that disappear when you walk 100 yards away).

So the idea that WoW can have furniture pieces lying around, for instance, is ludicrous. It cannot be done.

Can you have a “Mr. Potato Head” system where there’s a slot on the floor and you can put one of 5 things there? Sure. We saw that with garrison decorations.

But again, the problem is that the Player Housing Lobby has made it LOUD AND CLEAR that such a system is completely unacceptable.

You might be okay with it. That’s great. You should try convincing the rest of the Player Housing crowd. (Good luck with that…)

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Then this ENTIRE DISCUSSION doesn’t pertain to you. It pertains to the people like the OP.

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Open world gear has been getting nerfed since 9.2. I wonder when they’ll stop.


The thing is, nomenclature is a powerful thing. Though it is naturally subject to being warped and changed by the public, when an organization uses specific titles, the meaning is hard to avoid.

Some players engage M+ as a Looter Action Game. It’s odd, considering they’re in an MMORPG, but that’s fine if they want to do that, it’s their dime. Blizzard changing gears to ‘Seasons’ is not ok…because this is an MMORPG.

Sticking to the ‘Seasons’ talk, sounds very much like they WANT to change to a Looter Action Game. It’s their game, it’s fine if they want to do that. But, Blizzard needs to be straightforward about it if they are, so that I can find my MMORP gaming elsewhere.

And, if they insist they aren’t transforming into a Looter Action Game, then they need to SHOW IT, by:

  • making the open world fun, by adding pockets of both silly and complexity everywhere, NOT JUST LOOT.
  • making exploration fun and engaging again…this was once one of WoW strongest points.
  • giving factions more to do than simply giving you items. There’s no harm in faction wars.
  • make old content relevant again. Old factions, should have SOME opinion on what’s going on in the world. Give some of them a renown path of their own, update their items, and toss them in the mix. They don’t even need more motivation than “We support only THIS dragon type, rawr!”
  • stop making everything point to M+ . Crafting should be its own beast, it should not have limitations on it because the M+ designer wants people going into M+ for certain things. Screw. Them.

Finally, if Blizzard wants to ‘Season’ talk, then make Seasons be about EVERYTHING. Give regions snow and flurries. Environmental play that revolves around actual seasons would be AMAZING. Some dragons could like the cold. Some could love the fall (I’m betting the Emerald Flight would dig this). And for the love of all that’s holy, UPDATE THE HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS. Why am I, a lowly player, coming up with more open world stuff that we’re actually getting?


Thank you. This is 100% spot on.

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You’re refuting claims though with the same caveat that at level 50 you’d have no knowledge to back up your thoughts.

Do you not see the irony of calling out an Alt posting when you’re also posting on Alt? Too funny.

AND…housing will be instanced, so we wont be dropping stuff in the ‘world’ but in some tiny little hole shaped like a house.
They can EASILY have preset house addons, then as we find them have they appear in side the house.
Garrison and Mists farm confirm that fact

As for players not wanting X…I havent seen anyone really screaming for housing to be EXACTLY like ESO’s housing in here

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Oh so you believe their line of “it works the same as PL, just PL was behind the scenes” crap


With PL your group never got a drop for a class/spec you didn’t have
With PL people would be mad at the game if they didn’t get a drop, now it will turn to player on player anger because X player rolled against Y player

Thank you for being a player who supports the bad decisions they make over this game

If “group loot” worked so well, why was it previously removed? Oh right, because it caused a lot of drama and people hated it


Yep. PvP is looking promising but we’ll see. The PvE side of this game is just catering to the top 1%

This is why I question the intelligence of some of the general discussion posters.

Have you not been paying attention to DF at all?



I’m an adult who doesn’t play 10 hours a day. Based on this quote I fit the bill.

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No I actually read how the system works.

That’s how the game has always worked.

Thanks for being a chicken little, not reading and understanding how the new system works, and thinking this is a bad decision because of your lack of understanding.

This isn’t the same group loot system that was used previously. So again thanks for confirming you actually haven’t read how it works and jumping the gun to cause drama.

Oh, yet another casual vs elites thread. Wow community at its finest.

Nah it’s another “solo players wanting best gear in the game and pretending to be casuals against t the elites” thread.


Both are equally worthless to me.

Agreed. Just wanted to clarify lol.