So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

I agree. This is me. Caz, Adult, Solo player. I have a life and dont have time to reset a dungeon 10 times for the same loot every time or run keys that mean nothing more than waiting a week to get an item I don’t need.

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its .5% actually

Then don’t do it.

No one forcing you to.

I have a life, a cat, a boyfriend, a job, a gym, tons of problems that require my attention. Yet still I’m able to “enjoy” this game or whatever left of it and even be able to run several dungeons and few raid bosses a week. Even PvPing a lil.

And I really don’t see a problem here about gear. Only whine from you and the lieks.

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Why do players use this as any sort of justification as if players who do challenging content can’t and don’t also have a life. That’s just down right disrespectful. If you don’t like the content, then that’s fine, but having a life has nothing to do with it.


the game revolves around you, the modern game buyer looking to fit in somewhere but really just isn’t that good or useful to gamers. Your crying about getting so much free stuff without effort or skill truly is a sign of the times.

It could just be done better.

No one is fooled by the devs choice to nerf Soar after its original conception.

You mean all these new buffs that weren’t in the “original conception”?

It didn’t need to be changed in the first place.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t value fun as a priority.

Yeah, better to just leave it as the flat 5 min cooldown, with no interaction with any of the dragonriding glyphs at all.

I’m referring to the changes made back in July.

When players could experience 900% speed without grinds involved.

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This why WoW needs player housing. Let gear rewards be for the hardcore crowd. Give casuals their own progression path in player housing.

Let us collect and build stuff for our house.


The game you are looking for is Animal Crossing.

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wait I work 7-4, married and have a 3 year old yet i still manage to keep up and I raid twice a week and even do M+ a lot. Stop making excuses for YOUR time management or being bad.


This game is going the way of Wildstar but even it won’t kill WoW.

Half my Mythic raid groups has kids. Pretty much all of them have jobs.

Sounds more like you have something in your life that causes you to be unable to schedule some you time, which is something you should be careful about.

I worked jobs with irregular schedules and they tend to have a detrimental effect on your life and mood. The faster you can transition to having a regular job where you can actually plan your hobbies and personal time, the better for you.

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I dont believe the point is free loot but more so an obtainable carrot on a stick. There should be progression for all activities in the game in some manner. Currently they’ve abandoned one avenue that is played by more, that is open world gameplay.

What should the progression for killing boars in Elwynn Forest be exactly ?

To abandon it, it would mean they somehow supported it in the past.

Outside like 1 patch in BfA that had inflated ilvls, open world content has never been rewarding beyond LFR raiding, or if it attained normal level raiding, it usually took a very long time that didn’t exactly permit people to get a full set of gear (and usually couldn’t as certain slots like weapons and trinkets couldn’t be filled by these methods).

Casual solo players have ways to gear up, but it requires instanced content. Like this week’s Timewalking event that rewards a normal piece of loot. Mythic 0s and low end Mythic keystones are also very casual friendly.

For Dragonflight, you’re not abandonned. 385 gear is available from Primalists Invasions, at a rate of 4 currency per week, and some pieces costing from 5 to 13 currency. A full set will cost you 79 tokens, or 20 weeks worth, and won’t include rings/necks/trinkets however.

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Does open-world content not provide it’s own progression path? Just because the path ends sooner than group-instanced content does not mean they abandoned it. It means they don’t justify it providing higher than LFR equivalent loot for the difficulty of the content.


You just contradicted yourself.

I didn’t though.

If you can’t schedule your you time and it’s caused by an irregular job schedule, you need to get that under control quickly before it starts affecting you.

There is no contradiction in both statements.