So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Very few who plays 14 for real comes here at all. Treating these forums as a sounding board is like watching a youtube opinion on Star wars :stuck_out_tongue:


they still have much better char prog than you pawder :wink:

It’s just a bizarro, nutty thing.

When I look at 4X games, and see that the devs in, say, Stellaris mess up, the Stellaris forums aren’t filled with “blah blah blah I hate you the Civ6 devs don’t do this I"m gonna go play there instead”.

When I look at survival forums, and see that the devs in, say, The Long Dark mess up, the Long Dark forums aren’t filled with “blah blah I hate you the Subnautica devs don’t do this I’m gonna go play there instead”.

The only time I ever see this is specifically with FF14 people who post here on the WoW forums.

And it’s crazy. (and not in a good way like “these cookies are crazy good”)

There was a mass of WoW players that went to play ff14, over 500k last year. So it’s to be expected that a lot of WoW players would be familiar with it

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No no no, this isn’t “familiar with”. This is more on the level of “obsessive ex who hangs around outside your house and tailgates you on your way to work every day”.

You think there isn’t massive cross-over in other gaming genres like 4X and survival games? Because there absolutely is. People just don’t behave like FF14 players do, here.

Nobody does that. Anywhere.

I don’t talk about it that much. Only when I’m drawing a comparison in context of the discussion.

So what? A wow player whos dating ff14 isnt allowed to stalk every wow related thing saying how back in 2007 they did something wrong and how awful they are? Pretty toxic ngl.

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1% the goat %

I wish they allowed for harder content in FFXIV while doing trusts, yeah. It’s a cool system and shows you can have player skill in a solo environment, the AI just do their own thing. Not as challenging as say, an actual full group of players but that’s just how it goes.

Well, the ideal situation is that you get one do-over with a battle rez, then if you die again it’d auto-fail the encounter. No need to let the NPCs take over when it’s meant to test the actual player’s skill.

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I don’t think they’ll be peaceful but I actually think it would be far more civil than the discourse that goes on here.

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People who have thick skin wouldn’t be crying about pronouns so frequently when normally it isn’t even out of malice because THEY don’t REMEMBER you.


Yikes, mass reported by the 1%. LOL!

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They want to claim 90% of the player base are casual that only do WQ, pet battles and queue content, while ignoring the huge numbers of m+ participation and even normal/heroic raids.

The reality is that most player do some sort of actual content and is only in here where you see player with more time spend posting on the forums than playing the actual game.

Can you imaging playing the game just for the solo content? Compare it to any other single player out there, is like playing any Ubisoft game on the easiest difficulty over an over for 6 months.


I didn’t raid back in Vanilla until way later cause I thought I had to talk on Vent. Just endlessly farmed scholomance.

the 1 percent getting this post deleted.


And? I know that and person who started this quest also knows that. And he LITERALLY played the same game as we did and got all stuff as we got it. And then he wants MORE by doing same things. Which wasn’t as frustrating, hard and nerve wrecking as running 8 15+ each week, trying to get rival or at least challenger II, doing mythic raids or getting mage tower done (believe me I’m doing those myself right now and suck miserably).

I don’t understand what this person wants if world content that exists NOW requires exactly what he can get from lazy raiding (fated), random dungeoning or simply nonstop cache farming for valor which will upgrade his gear to literal M+ quality. This is also not standing still. but we hear more whine about how this person is hold back for some reason by some unseen forces and it seems that he wants nothing more but free lewt by standing still.

Was no different than 5 of my posts being reported within minutes by “casuals” just yesterday. Stuff like that happens on both sides.

To some extent I also think it’s a way of coping. It’s really hard for some folks to come to terms with the the fact that they’re pretty bad at the game they’ve played for 16 years.


All that can be said about that claim you’re responding to: actions say otherwise.

Have the Stellaris and The Long Dark teams been consistently letting their players down for over 5 years? More if you stretch back to the WoD era, which is when things really started to take a nosedive imo.

I think people are just frustrated. With FFXIV being one of WoW’s most successful competitors, it’s not surprising to have people playing that game and coming back to make comparisons and show all the ways Blizz has been slacking. People just want a better game that is more on par with some of the newer and/or more updated MMOs out there.

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