So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Thank you. :slight_smile: took me a while to find unrelated things that went together!

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if you really think FF doesn’t have bad people I dont know what to tell you. Add difficulty and you’ll find people annoyed w/ players not pulling their own weight. Hence you start calling them “toxic”

That’s because the story is the one of the best parts. The whole game revolves around building a story. Skipping the story is just blasphemy


You mean they don’t get spammed by constant “WoW is BiS” threads ?

watch me [skip story]

I have no time to read a novel. I play the game for the challenge :person_shrugging:

No they openly acknowledge things that WoW does better. I had someone the other day trying to argue that WoW has better writing than ff14 and that’s just being completely delusional


Lol. 14 isnt for everyone.

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Which part is that? The one where Y’shtola RPs Krillin and explains everything we just saw happen or the 89th fakeout death?

this we agree on. But saying no1 is toxic in the game is just laughable

I never said no one. I said:

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Dude you tried and failed. In fact you got ripped pretty hard.

You have yet to win.

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Your 10% number isn’t based on any reality. Where are your sources? How did you come to that number?

Here’s some real numbers. 889,280 character (yes, including alts) have timed all dungeons at +10 in season 3, the last full season. This does not include China

If that is only 10%, then the game is extremely healthy and we don’t need to worry about any of this.

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You’ll have to be more specific.

As I can’t read minds over the internet.

1, they said top tier RAIDERS, and 2, not sure timing all dungeons at +10 once is ‘top tier M+’ either (Especially since it’s characters, not people. Quite a few people, ESPECIALLY boosts, run that number up a lot, or with alts.) Why were you coming at me so hard for supposedly ‘making assumptions’ and ‘starting arguments’, it was so much projection.

What do you do then if you skip the story. Ultimates?

I really just wanted to do savage with some friends. I was 100% focused on getting to 90.

I just play the game for the challenge. I dont care about story. I dont care about wow story or ff story

I find that impossible to believe, based on the sampling we get on these forums.

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It’s relevant because according to GD, participating in group instanced content is makes them no longer a “casual”. Timing all at +10 means they didn’t just run 1 key and stop.

Ok so I kind of avoid hard content so that’s an area of the game I won’t ever do. Even the minimum item level bosses are rough.