So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

That’s not me “mocking” you. That’s me losing all respect for you and not even giving you the decency of calling you by your name.

I’d like to see the “plenty more”. If that’s the best you have then you have no case.

I mean a lot of us have played or currently play other MMOs. But personally I feel like FFXIV gets a lot of unnecessary praise. Like it’s combat is pretty atrocious and it’s community is NOT that welcoming.

idk I wasn’t impressed.

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but here the thing. Wow and ff14 are not similar. The only similarity on that game is they’re both mmo after that they’re vastly different. So comparing 1 over the other is just a dumb move.

Yea the ff14 forums aren’t like this. It’s only in the WoW forums do we get the people that like to put their finger in their ears and say other MMO’s are garbage. The creators of ff14 took ideas from WoW to become as successful as they are and now I think it’s time for WoW to steal a few ideas from ff14


I think that’s just bitter wow players lashing out about how their streamer-approved game is better. It looks kind of neat and I do want to eventually try it, though. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: I’ve only heard terrible things about the community so it’d involve bugging a few friends into trying it as well.

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Based on the absolute FACT that top tier raiders are less than 10% of the playerbase, and should not be the target for retention.

To be fair, the community in 14 is pretty chill, and less likely to be toxic in dungeon runs.


Are only top-tier raiders not casuals?


Man I play maaaybe 10-12 hours a week and am entirely able to progress my character as far as I choose. I don’t have complete BIS, nor have I efforted min/maxed stats yet I’m able to push myself each patch. This is my main, and I have 4 solid alts. This game simply doesn’t require the “elitist/no-lifer” style you’re arguing it does.

More so, this fallacy you pedal with fever stirs anger and fear. Specifically the cancer this cummity suffers from.

Depends on ones interpretation of “casual”. I know people who get CE with a few hours of time played a week and others who’ll spend 8 hours a day farming old stuff and leveling alts.


Yeah, the current model is thankfully pretty forgiving to those with limited play time.

According to some definitions of casual, I am also a casual.

No pre-determined teams, no set schedule.

How many other SINGLE areas of gameplay can you point to that represent 10% of the playerbase that would quit if it were not in the game?

Mythic+ is the only other contender that has that much of a singular hold on the playerbase

Ghostcrawler said himself that the high end raids are by far their most cost effecitve player retention. Then you factor in how they contribute to the legacy farming content cycle, the trickle down effects Mythic raiders have on the rest of the game including the economy and their participation in dungeons/world content, etc.

stop the madness

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Random battlegrounds are also quite popular, or they were back when gear wasn’t as it is now.


I don’t know, people weren’t that nice to me when I would voice genuine opinions about the game. Something as simple as “Oh I skipped all the cutscenes, I don’t really care about the story” elicited a lot of really nasty comments in my FC discord.

you can’t be a casual. You play group content remember. Bads, I mean casual, are players who doesn’t do any of those :smirk:


I dont believe him. Before LFR hit, most people never even got to get into raids. This is a known reality.

let me guess you haven’t done any dungeon past autoqueues

Ive finished.
Ive played since beta. There were no auto ques or trusts or anything else.

You’re only allowed to skip all the story and complain about how it makes 0 sense in wow. its a rule. every other games story is so 100% awesome and good that even if you skip it you somehow magically know whats going on. Unlike stoopy poopy wow made by danFARTER where to even understand whats going on you have to spend 9001 hrs watching 3 minute cutscenes.

Entirely unrelated but I love your mog. :dracthyr_heart: