So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Also I predict this will be Ion’s last expansion. Time to give someone else the torch


About time.

Retail has just been nose diving into the ground.

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believe it or not, I’d love for there to be more casual content. more stuff to do? yes please.

I havent log on wow for awhile now lol. Believe it or not playing ff14 just for kicks >.>

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Lol. I play ff14 more than WoW at this point. At least until the prepatch comes

Ye i’m gonna take over after ion. Some key features of the next expansion: nzoths bathtub.

  1. the heart of azeroth is back. Essences must be ground in bfa content to preserve the feeling of old content being relevant.
  2. raids, pvp, and m+ no longer award gear as casuals have trouble doing these, all gear is now obtained by purchasing gear with real money as thats the most efficient time to money ratio.
  3. the open world is now filled with raid bosses for every enemy as casuals have demanded challenging world content for years.
  4. every person whos raided since legion is immediately permabanned for being an elitist.

that’s what I did in the 2nd to last content lull. I’m ashamed to admit I made a bard. but to be fair I didn’t know archers turned into bards and no one told me. I was so pissed lol.

last content lull I played minecraft

nothing wrong with spending time in new (old) games

This would be hilarious for aprils fool, just replacing every mob in the world as a raid elite. That level 6 spider outside goldshire? Think again

it’s end of xpac. So I just play ff14 for something different. I got what I wanted for season 4 and since guild’s not raiding until DF why not play other games. I log on maybe a wednesday to do keys w/ friends or just play multiplayer in steam. It’s fine to do something else other than wow. It’s not a crime :person_shrugging:

I only have so many fingers and crayons.

Tbf I think bard is one of the more fun DPS jobs. Feels really op when I play it lol

Yea but there’s kind of an anti ff14 stigma on these forums. I try not to talk about it as much

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I think it’s more off people are desperate to tell people to play ff14 over wow. And well if you’re saying it in a wow forums then you kinda deserve it.

Gee, I wonder why :

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Because I have thick skin? Comes from being LGBTQIA+ and of course, Furry.

Actually, if you read the thread basically my posts are going at other people that are doing that either to me, or to others in the first place.

If you look at the original tone of my posts, they generally match who I’m replying to.

Not really, just tired of people that gaslight and are ‘fake nice’ when they’re already squarely set on one side of the fence, as you are in this case. Especially since you always seem to come out and take issue with my post, meanwhile the posts that say stuff like -

and plenty more, but go off.

Meanwhile that’s what you’re now doing here, along with many othert people I didn’t speak about but decided to come into this thread specifically to attempt to mess with me.

To someone you replied to about parses, as well as me correcting you a previous two times minimum that I could find and you remembering them somehow.

All because people can’t accept calling people the correct pronouns and will go hundreds of posts throwing a tantrum about why they shouldn’t, or how someone doesn’t deserve them, etc etc.

I feel like I’m able to bring more to the table because of my experience in ff14. People that ONLY play WoW and not other MMO’s don’t get the chance to see what other MMO’s are doing successfully.


good for you pawder

I miss Eternal Crusade.

Even if it was more a shooter than mmorpg.

i’m shocked that a wow forum doesn’t want all of the discussion to be about another game entirely. Whats next? i’m gonna go into mcdonalds and find out i can’t order a whopper without people telling me to go to burger king?

Notice it happens whenever they pop in to any thread

Like, the entire focus shifts