So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

It’s ok man. You shot your shot and missed.

Vulpera are quite a bit smaller than Orcs.


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So, I said most other MMO and you said… what you said. You do realize when people say most other MMOs they are refereing to FF14, ESO, Lost Ark… You know non blizzard games.

Thinking must be a hard thing for you. Do you need to take a nap now?

I don’t really need to shoot anything.

Even when I win you’d deny it because your ego can’t let you lose.


Posts pronouns 2 days and hundreds of posts ago to someone else and says I was corrected.

Don’t forget hidden profile.

someone should keep count on how many threads devolve into a tirade about pawzer’s pronouns.


Pretty sure Zandrae also got a forum vacation for reporting several my posts with multiple toons. Pretty productive day here on the forums.

What’s that one theory called where arguments will eventually lead to being compared to as the holocaust?

Could also just report them for trolling because literally every post of theirs is trying to start a fight over some imagined slight.

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godwin’s law

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That’s the one, except this one is Pawzer’s Law

I can’t I only have 10 fingers

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That’s impressive, given that you can count to 1023 on 10 fingers

I liked it better with the large font, you know dhs and their eyesight struggles and all that

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Look, I’m not saying all people who play Worgen turn out to be total weirdos, but…


was going to change to my worgen toon but I just remember I dont have any :rofl:

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Agreed, let’s keep pronouns out of this thread and focus on the top 1% getting all the attention in this game

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I have a worgen mage named mickalash based off of the bloodborne boss. Does that make me weird or crazy?

As long as it’s not named pwander you’re fine