So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

One of two things will happen. He will disappear for a few days or he will come back and double down on everything.

Bloody has disappeared after taking multiple Ls and should be gone for a few days.

It could be beneficial to make a personal guild name stating your pronouns tbh

No sources? :thinking: What was that earlier, you can’t tell intent or anything else? That’s why Snoz doesn’t ‘berate’ people? But now the more you post the more proof there is for my statements.

I’ve said it multiple times in this thread, too. They just refuse to use them.

I’ve corrected them before, multiple times.

That would be against RP server naming policies, to start with. Your suggestion makes little sense. I correct people, and if they continue with it and then REFUSE to use them going forward that’s on them.

In your own words, scroll up. :3

Where did I “mock” you. Quote me.

And stop editing you posts 20 times, I’m not going to keep scrolling up to see if you added anything new.

It would be more beneficial to just stop caring what pronouns people use to refer to you too. It doesn’t matter, no one knows anyone here. He because you just use He all the time. She because it’s a female avatar. It because It is just another poster to you.

We’re all Cartoon avatars arguing about a stupid video game anyway.

The message remains the same regardless of pronouns anyway.


yeah i’m 100% certain this person doesn’t give a single rats patootie about all this and just wants to find any reason to feel superior in an argument. Real question is why anyone responds to their lunacy at this point. its entertaining for a second but then you realize they may actually feel this argumentive all the time and it just becomes sad.


That was TWO DAYS AGO and wasn’t even directed at me. You act like I even read the entire thread when I joined in.

I don’t see any quotes of me “mocking”.

Hey, this looks like a nice and civil thread.

I sure hope that it doesn’t get derailed by a certain someone.


Ironically, most of the time you come into these threads with nothing but just start latching onto others that were misgendering me and talking about my pronouns.

So, it’s projection then.

Mmhm, personal attacks and insults.

Odd, you’re the one derailing the thread, starting another fight with another user you were not in a conversation with, and being argumentative for the sake of it.

Ah yes ye olde “If you look you can find so many rule breakers, it must be fine.”

I can guarantee some of the players here would follow me around in game to do just that. Plus, how would someone know it’s a reference to my pronouns? Such a poor suggestion.

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A quick look at moonguard oribos and elwynn will show that no one really cares about that rule and you’ll really only get harassed over it if you annoy someone with enough contacts

I still wanna know what I said that was a personal insult

Sure but it’s clear not everyone shares that sentiment. Misgendering is a common complaint of theirs so indicating it more clearly would probably ease their aggravation

It’s a common complaint because it’s used to strike fear and intimidate people.

Yes conveniently keep ignoring this.

I’m surprised that isn’t something they’ve attempted to accommodate on the forums. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Theres absolutely no way for anyone to know your preferred pronouns by just looking at your avatar unless they spend un religious amounts of time reading general discussion, so it seems redundant to get upset every time someone mentions a pronoun lol


Really i don’t understand why if you think everyone here hates you so much and is in such a rush to hurt you, you continue to be here despite literally every thread i’ve seen you in, you always come in swinging at others and most everyones reaction is confusion as to why you’re so aggressive and what they did wrong.

If you legit aren’t trying to start fights I really hope you at least take some bit of what i’m saying to mean that not everyone is out to get you but frankly, i’ve seen enough of you to know you’re always in full on aggro mode and there’s likely nothing anyone can do to help you at this point.

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Because it would be lobbed left and right as a weapon to get anyone you disagree with banned.

I’m…not really sure how. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Fair enough, though. Not really my area of expertise.

Pretty sure the forum goers can identify between us whose the bigger pariah.