So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Wait I didn’t say any insults. Did you just insult yourself?

Ironically, then you admit your other post about the forum CoC falls flat. But hey, rules for thee but not for me is your motto.

Always asking for source, but when source is given, decrying the source and going with whataboutism.

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In the context of Heroic raiders saying they’re forced to M+ for Mythic ilvl gear, it kinda is though.

We both know you’re not representative what the “open world/solo” players are asking for.

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Looie here, any argument made that people don’t want challenging content is now null and void because, using Snozh’s definition of “challenging content” there is NO challenging content in WoW.

All content in WoW can be out geared, even if it means farming old gear, like the Mage Tower redux.

Are there people that don’t want challenging content, sure, but I don’t think anyone really wants content that only the select few can ever really finish. I mean I can complete old mythic raids solo now, but I’ll never get cutting edge or hall of fame. I can go back and smash through old achievements I did not complete while they were current, but it might not mean I get the title/pet/mount/etc because I did nto complete it when it was current.

Snozh has done nothing but make a claim, without proof, and then act like what is said by someone proves his point. All he has EVER proven is that he has his views and such, others have theirs, only difference he acts and sounds like his are right and everyone else is wrong.

For me, it is about the journey, gear has been equated to a ladder, ones like Snozh would rather break the rungs of the ladder to keep people from climbing while I would want to add more, at more frequent intervals, to aid people in climbing.


This is the post where I’d say the fight got started:

quoted here so you can’t delete it.

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This is false. M+ specifically cannot be out geared because gear is static and M+ scales infinitely.

Yeah, that’s pretty much where I took my quotes from (that Pawser asked for, even after I asked to make sure we wanted to go down that road again).

Mythic raiding can not be out geared. You still have to do the mechanics.

Even then mythic raiding isnt something eventually everyone can do at the end of the patch.

Your own description invalidates your claim.

I literally quoted your comment to you.

Now who’s “doubling down!”

I’m proud to be apart of this archive. Like being a part of history.


Actually, I quoted the post where it started.

There’s two posts.

Another one from someone else that called me a quite loaded name earlier too.

Wanna try again?

This is a completely separate argument about parses, which was in response to someone else who blamed you for the exact same thing. So I didn’t even start that one.

Point conceded, so I will adjust my point to “all non-scaling content” can be out geared. In other words, there is that evergreen challenging content in game, maybe some would like a solo version. But I am still after content that the bulk of players can eventually get done, even if it is 2/3/4+ expansions down the road.

Just correcting someone, as that’s where any sort of ‘fight’ started. Over you (intentionally) misgendering me and linking me a thread where I had corrected you about pronouns… In this thread, where I already corrected someone about pronouns earlier too.

Hmm? Nope, you started a fight by intentionally misgendering me and linking a thread, you actually made two posts about me attacking me.

Take your own advice, tell caps to do so with you.

After they attacked me and others for being ‘bad’ players.

Again, decided to throw down the gauntlet too and intentionally misgender and mock me twice in a row yes.

You got your chances. One of the people you were replying to also intentionally misgendered me and continued to do so.

Yes you should scroll up.

Even people that I haven’t replied to in a while at all, continue to ‘start fights’ and yet you don’t go after them lol. It’s ironic.

Thanks for continuing to prove my point even further.

It is where it started. You accusing me of misgendering you was in that block of quotes.

Just because it was discussed in that thread does not mean I was bringing up that part of the thread. I only brought up what was relevant. PARSES in response to someone else who accused you of doing the same thing.

He just showed up in my mentions again. I clicked out of morbid curiosity and it was a 17h hold post.

He edited a 17h old post to add another quote and reply to me further.

That’s how you know to just not engage. Like scroll past. Guy is starved for attention it looks like.

Stop playing the victim and twisting what actually happened.

Person 1: Accused you of bringing up Healing parses.
Me: Agreed and stated that you did the same with Tank parses → proceeded to link the thread.
You: omg you used “he”, must be intentional misgendering. I won’t correct Sosari, instead ill berate him.

This is what actually happened. All you have to do is scroll up.

I don’t even know why I bother to even refer you as “Pawzer” out of the minimal modicum of respect. You honestly don’t deserve even that much. From this point forward you will be referred to as “He” with a capital H.

I tried to show you respect in that area by calling you by Pawzer instead of having to remember pronouns and apparently it means nothing to you. I have even addressed this earlier in this thread and you just ignore it.

Mental health should be taken seriously imo

Pretty sure at this point he’s just trolling with it. He uses it so much, it looks more like he’s trying to use it as a weapon rather than an actual thing. Probably doesn’t even care about gender, he just read on twitter that it’s an effective attack against your online opponents.

Like all the Tul/Tal thread spam about identity issues. You know there’s nothing sincere in those posts and threads. Probably same deal here. Nothing sincere about it.

Yeah, I’m starting to believe it.

If it helps, a week or so back they said their preferred pronouns were they/them. If they proceed to ree about that then thats 100% proof they just want to argue.

I mean I even explained multiple times that it was due to quickly responding and not even thinking about it.

People refer to me as he / her all the time and I don’t care enough to correct it either way.