So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

He pretends to be an EU top 10 feral.

He is nothing but a bad troll thats bad at the game with issues.


The reason you can’t have player housing is because the game engine can’t handle anything except Garrison 2.0. And player housing advocates have been ferocious since WoD that Garrison 2.0 is simply unacceptable. So there ya go.

I don’t care what he is, or what he thinks he points out about my character. I’m good enough to do what I care about. What I do care about is people who want to force people who can’t farm trivial content 60 hours a week for gear to do such a thing due to their own intolerance to any form of social interaction or difficulty in the game whatsoever.

Ironically, you’re literally posting on a troll character not me.

My ilvl even on my old alts is higher than yours. But then again, I’m able to utilize my gear and get actual parses too.

My feral druid hasn’t been my main for a while now, should probably learn to keep up! I mostly play monk. Then again, you pretend to ‘work’ and ‘be good at raiding’ and verifiably you are not either. <3

Oop, not even a he. You didn’t source that either, guess that’s why you end up wrong so often? My pronouns are they/them.


Another rant about loot.


I talk trash about other people’s numbers on third party websites but am way too scared to actually poste any viewable stats about my own character.

You’re trash, and you’re not getting BiS gear for farming world content.

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Is that before or after you were found out to not be that druid?

No one cares.

My bank account isnt pretend.

Never claimed to be good at raiding. Just a bit above average.

At least im not afraid to post my main or lie about being good at the game.

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I ('cause I’m only speaking for myself and not other Player Housing advocates) don’t mind the Garrison concept and could possibly use some more cosmetic options. For example, I think it’s a little ridiculous that you have to have a Level 3 Barracks AND exalted with said factions, in order for the guards to be cosmetically changed to a different race. The functionality is there. Just has a lot of unnecessary steps to get there. So, “there you go” :roll_eyes:

Though, I still don’t believe that the engine “can’t handle it”. Everytime somebody says this, IK it’s a substitute statement for “too much work”.

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That’s why I haven’t pre-ordered. Once they announced personal loot wasn’t an option, as a person who usually pugs into off server groups/guilds, I knew being “casual” was sorta dead. Pugs will never end well with group loot.


I’ve linked it before, feel free to ask Snoz since they know so much about it? They know the char names, or at least I would hope they do!

I’m not the one arguing for BiS gear from farming world content, just arguing against people like yourself that want BIS for getting carried by others in a raid or M+ <3

But it’s fine, continue to out yourself <3

No sources? <3


You seem to care a lot!

“Because people pay me to do nothing, I’m not pretending to actually do work.”

You do, consistently actually.

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I’ve seen some pretty delusional takes, but this is definitely the one that takes the cake for the day. I’ve been around since Wrath. I know what I’m talking about.


You clearly havent actually read the loot rules

Are you looking in the mirror?

IF thats the case you clearly have rose tinted glasses because Wrath was nothing but raid or die with some welfare badge gear that was beyond awful.

Your comments prove that you actually dont.

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I have actually. And trust me, you’re gonna be told to “pass or be kicked” or they will kick you before a boss dies so you can’t roll, or will just avoid inviting people who will compete against the lead for loot(like if they wear leather, wont invite leather). Trust me, people will abuse it.


I would kick people even in a PL setting, for the same reason, regardless of what people’s opinions are on PL.

EDIT: This argument doesn’t really work 'cause RLs/GMs can kick people out of their Raids/Guilds for any reason. It’s not “abuse”. Nobody is obligated to group with you, if they don’t want to regardless of what loot system is in placed.

EDIT 2: And, if you don’t like the group’s rules, don’t join them. You have way more power and control than you think you do.


I havent exactly hit end game content, but after all this time Im still enjoying my casual solo game with my hunter.
If youre asking to be overloaded with those mindnumbing braindead systems again to keep you ‘busy’. Im going to have to go with a HARD PASS ON THAT.

Id rather be able to bring in ALTS and rerun the content a few times than have my main so frikkin ‘busy’ with mindless grunt work that I’ll do what I did in BFA and SLs both and just walk away.

It is not about loot but about content and character progression. It would benefit WoW more to look into adding different progression models for players. I personally would like to see something like a Tower of Time. It would work similar to Torghast but gearing would be like ZM where the gear good for world questing and just for the Tower. The goal is not to get geared but push progression as high as you can go. Like Torments in D3 and it could even have seasons with seasonal gear to keep people interested.

One of the problems with WoW is progression is gear based so everything is about getting better gear to access content. Well if you wanted to do Brawlers Guild you would hit a wall because you needed gear to clear the later bosses. If gear was something you earned from the guild and just worked for that content more people would have played it and kept playing it. Since you had to go outside of it for gear it died out because people like myself may not do the content to get the gear needed for it.

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lord…is THAT what he’s asking for? To get god gear in casual solo content so we’re one shotting everything making the game boring again?
If Im not dying 20 times an hour and NOT being Stun/Slow/Rooted every mob, Im happy. I dont need the god gear.
I’ll amend that to say that IF Ion is going to pull that slow/stun/root crap again, however, then yeah, Im going to be screaming for one shot god gear myself.

Why does everyone throw that 1% around. Far more than 1% of the population does raids, PvP and M+ I mean last I checked 8% had the slimecat mount so far. I’m sure you can see how many have the keymaster, PvP and glad mounts. If you’re working god awful long hours and have a family then the casual content in DF will be more than enough to keep you busy as you’ll log on and only have time for a handful of things before it’s time to log off. The people who are going to have issues or those that play for ridiculously long periods but for some reason never venture into organized content.

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While you don’t explicitly state it in your post, it seems that your feedback is actually that content other than Mythic difficultly instances or rated arena doesn’t reward equally compared to less difficult or content that requires more coordination and logistics and not that there isn’t anything to do. Which is a different argument entirely. In this case, I would say that while that’s not equal, it is fair.