So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

I worked on it whenever it was up, kept getting just that little bit fsarther, but since it was the tank one, RNG and even the smallest slip could do me in. Don’t think I ever really got it done till ANT because of the RNG factor.

Sadly, for ones like me, arguing with Snozh tends to boil down to he is set in his ways, I state that what I want is indeed what I am after, but he double down on what I am after does not fit his definition of challening content. I don’t feel berated by him, bjut I do often feel insulted as he twists my words to mean something I do not.

He didn’t. But I am a cheap date :joy:

I did, actually. “To berate is to yell at or demean” personal attacks, insults, DEFINITELY demean.

Mine’s linked, thanks though! Sorry you didn’t understand the word as much as you thought. :3

Berate: To scold or condemn vehemently and at length

This is the emphasis of that statement.

You use it in an attempt to say that someone’s opinion is worth less than yours.

Not like you’d know anything about that or anything.

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What are you talking about, I cited mine from Webster from the start.

So I wasn’t gatekeeping them, or berating them? :3

Snoz does this frequently, actually, so have you.

I wouldn’t, no, if the implication is that I personally attack or insult others. (You didn’t source your accusation btw) Apparently, for you three you can make up whatever you want on a whim with no sourcing and it’s allowed but no one else can. So, I will play your game.

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The definition I got is to scold or criticize (someone) angrily.

By this definition, Snozh has never berated anyone (unless you can sense emotions through text) but he has insulted others in his arguments, and tends to double down when asked to prove his claims.


Lmao, that’s legitimately all you do. You start arguments all the time because you jump to conclusion or misunderstand what’s being discussed.

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“What is an example of berating someone?
A strong verb for harshly cutting someone down with words is berate”

Also: to criticize OR speak in an angry manner against someone.

Can you link a source for that? Because that seems more true for yourself and the other 2 than me.

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You really want source? All we have to do is scroll up when you made accusations. I’ll quote it, but just know you are the one that asked for it.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts

This is a repeatedly observed behavior from pawzer.


So you can’t, then?

UwU you sure are ‘rules for thee but not for me’ a lot.

Ironic, your group has more posts in this thread than I do and that applies a lot more to you than me.

Making non-constructive posts

Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages

nsultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

You edited it into your post after I quoted it, nice try. But yet another personal attack/insult.

Lmao, you are so dense. I legit said I would if you really wanted me to.

The thing is, with just text, it can be hard to tell. I often say you have to take what is said on the forum with a grain, if not a full shaker, of salt as one might mean to do as you say, or they could just be talking like they always do and lack the foresight to think how what they say could be taken by others.

Seems like a pretty based take actually.

One rooted in history.

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Do it. Makes it harder for them to hide their history by deleting stuff that they no longer want around.

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Uhh your side aren’t exactly saints either.

I’m not the one saying “rules for thee but not for me”.

Doesn’t matter.

Pretty sure threatening to slap people with the code of conduct is a form of passive aggression on your part.