So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

My source is that I am a witness to the event in question.

We claim that the game itself does not gatekeep someone. You attempting to gatekeep the forums (which is not a part of the game), is not related.


Ehh the guild im in is filled with people that have kids and jobs yet they still mythic raid and easily keep up with gear requirnments.

Seriously playing this game maybe 12 hours a week is very easy to doo.

And the majority of the time it’s the solo and less skilled players.

Nope not what I said at all. Mage tower doesn’t award gear.

And people STILL fail it two tiers in the end of the expansion. That’s my point.

Again people still fail heroic mechanics while overgearing the content.

And people STILL fail it two tiers in the end of the expansion. That’s my point.

And people will still die to mage tower. (Hypothetical original version, not this timewalking stuff.)

Bad players will exist.

And the majority of the time it’s the solo and less skilled players.

lesser skilled =/= solo.

I ask for proof, all I get is insults, this is the essence of SNozh everyone.

I speak english, not elitist. For me hard content is content that can be over come through various means. The kind of hard content you are describing is once hard, always hard, the kind I am after would be more akin to stargs hard, but I see ways I can improve to overcome it.

Again, prove that wanting content that can never be outgeared while it is current, but still gets the soft nerfs from gear, is not wanting challenging content.

Oh, and just because you made the claim that Legion mage tower was outgeard by a full raid tier: Keep in mind, it was likely balanced around having at least normal, if not heroic, tomb gear. Some did not get that till Argus/ANT. In addition, I specified 2 kinds of MT challenges, tank and healer, the tank one was always challenging due to RNG on things and the healer one actually took doing more then healing, like you also needed to maximize DPS or survive (more a tank thing) to get throgh.

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So I can accuse you of something and say the evidence is in google, go search for it?

So you haven’t looked at the post?

Quote the post. You linked a 500+ thread.

Forget Bloody’s argument for a bit, Snozh started spreading his junk on me again in this very topic.

It might not be as bad as Bloody says, but it does show how Snozh responds to those who disagree with him and ask him to prove his claims.

So why are you questioning bias for me, but not pawzer? Is it only because one is supporting you and the other is opposing you?

It seems that duality is the same for you.

I didn’t read up on the tower stuff but did it sometime during Antorus cause it was going to go away, I think it took like 5 tries.

Ended tier at 10/11 Mythic.

Think it would’ve taken others way more.

Also tried it when patch dropped. Didn’t get far and quit cause hated mid-tier ap.

Guess you’re just going to gloss over the fact that Blizzard completely reworked professions that will 100% help casuals with gear and staying somewhat within a stones throw of those that push higher content. Doesn’t fit your narrative does it?

You do realize I’m returning the same rudeness you’re throwing my way.

I’m not going back and searching through the multiple threads we have been in to find a single quote where you stated you wanted the content to be overgeared.

Ironically, you didn’t even give me an example how me just bringing up their parses is gatekeeping. :3

I’m not saying Snozy doesn’t get into arguments. Bloody is accusing him of specifically “berating” people.

I’m more likely to berate someone than he is.

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Did you at least buy him dinner first?


Good point. On beta, I’m running around in 392 crafted gear.

Which I proved, with relative ease.

You didn’t. Do I need to copy and paste the definition of “Berating” again?