So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Most people don’t do high end m+.
Most people don’t do mythic raid.
Most people don’t do high end pvp.
Why can’t solo players have something similar?


You want to bring up berating people?


No source, either.

Dang, no source.


Hahaha telling on themselves again.

By this logic (btw) old raid tiers and current ones should be doable without gear.

Not a very selfawarewolf.

Haha no source, and look who liked that post? Imagine that. The side that NEVER sources their claims but asks others always to!

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Uhh so do you just like Snozth or what?

Doesn’t look like you want to take an unbiased viewpoint here.

That’s actual psychopathy

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Yes the legion mage tower was out geared by an entire tier.

I see you changed your tube because you were quoted as specifically stating you wanted gear to eventually make it possible for lower skilled players to still do it.

All you need is basic understanding of the English language.

If you want something to eventually be overgeared then it’s not hard content.

Mods deleted it and 404d the thread in question. Others who were there can verify.

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If you want to find more, google “pawzer + parses”

You will find more links of pawzer trying to gatekeep people from participating in the forums because of raid parses, even people who do not raid regularly.


ITT: mythic raiding is a joke.

Said by someone that has clearly never mythic raided.

Can you not outgear mythic raids? And yes I have.

Yea something along those lines. I’d like to just see players rewarded for their time. Part of the problem is the RNG nature of the great vault

You can’t outgear mechanics.

That’s why some guilds still struggle with heroic painsmith.

Gear can carry but only so far.

Prove it then.

Is mentioning someone parses considering berating people? You previously mentioned that direct insults and personal attacks were not berating people. :3 Thanks for admitting that you’re gaslighting, though!

No source, AND apparently mentioning someone’s grey parses who ALWAYS attacks other players for their skill is deemed as such.

And the same doesn’t apply to mage tower because?

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It’s about how you do it. When it is not relevant to the discussion at hand, and is being used to attack someone else for having an opinion, it is.


Because the skill level of mage tower in legion was lower than mythic raiding.

Mage tower is a bad example considering how many solo players demanded nerfs.

Ironically, you and your pals were claiming Gatekeeping doesn’t exist in this game recently. Whoops.

So, no source, again?

Ironically, you and them always do this haha.

Give you a source for my and some others claims, you screee ‘context’ or spam whataboutism to deflect hardcore while never sourcing your own and while Snoz and others never source theirs either. When yours, and others behavior are quite poor.

I ask you a question, what was I gatekeeping them from by mentioning their grey parses after they attacked others for skill related things? :3

So, no source, given you’re even less reliable then Mori or Clark.

No, you claimed gatekeeping doesn’t exist.

Ah yes, players in game definitely don’t ask for parses or deny people based on ilvl or other things, or if they consider them to be a ‘bad player’. Mmhm. Interesting, contradicting yourself all over again! Poor mally.

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People always demand nerfs.

So you’re saying mage tower should be treated the same as raids.

Story- Normal, heroic, mythic. etc.

The difficulty could exist if they tune for it.

As for painsmith specifically: you can get hit by the spikes all the time on heroic. It doesn’t kill you.

The same is not always true of mythic.