So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Misgendering, and of course they have no source for their own accusations (Ones all 3 of you actually made towards me too btw)

More things that they never proved (Burden of proof is on them) ;3

(no source)

Can go on a long time given how many posts they have. So many personal attacks and insults, IE berating.


I’m more concerned with their focus. Audience is very broad. It’s as if they themselves don’t engage in the filler content that comprises most of the game. It’s an immeasurable form of “fun” that they cannot turn into a sport.

It’s the things you do after you’ve done a mythic. Having catered to this mythic crowd who are so “bored” after maxing the content, they are scared to lose them

I enjoy the game for the aesthetics, the art, the music…and not the mythic treadmill.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


hence why I asked him to provide the data he can.

Hey, for ones like you and me, Snozh has a reputation of being an elitist prick that judges us based on his interpretation of what we say, for ones like Capslock, he has a reputation of being a stanch supporter of harder content having better rewards.

My main issue with Snozh is he supports the harder content gives better rewards, yet also makes the claim that no one wants harder world/solo content when ones like me would but he lumps us in with the ones that don’t want such, he is too focused on the overall group he has no mind on what the people that make up that group want.

I know, I have suffered such at his hands as well, but here is another clencher: some might not see it as berating unless it is done to them. It is just “as long as they are supporting the views I do, they get a pass, but the moment they don’t, all bets are off”.

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You can’t advocate for harder content and then want that content to be out geared. That by default makes it not hard content.

Context matters and what you clearly missed in those quotes is the person being rude first.

Haha ok.

I’d like to thank my lawyer Pawzer for stepping in here.

having gear progression doesn’t make content not hard. There’s a reason why challenge modes weren’t massively popular like m+.

Pawzer has even less credibility than you do on the forums. Forgery will do that to someone’s reputation.

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There isn’t any solo content that is worthy of awarding higher than normal gear.

Regardless the evidence is there.

Have a read.

There can be, they just need to make it. Mage tower esque difficulty would be start (although, prob substantially easier if acquiring the “proper” gear.)

Ever hear of soft nerfs? You are the one that made what I said to mean I want content to be outgeared, was the Legion tank mage tower ever outgeared when it was current, was the healer one? or did gear just make such easier.

Here, let me sum up what I am actually after:
I want challenging content that you can NEVER outgear while it is current BUT you can keep shifting what is needed to skill as you get more and more gear.

Oh, and just to drive it home, you made the claim that wanting content that can eventually be overgeared means one does not want challenging content, PROOVE IT!


Just gonna cross post a bit here as a way to prove my point from earlier:

Open world andy’s don’t actually care about the open world content so long as that content doesn’t give them BiS gear.


You didn’t link a quote, you linked a 500+ thread primed to the first post.

Evidence is in that post.

Go have a read.

As a hypothetical, let’s say they introduce AI raiding and you take up an individual role of DPS / Tank / Healer like you normally would. You perform the fights with AI doing it just fine but you have to go along with it and perform to whatever difficulty you’re playing.

Obviously, the entire team-work aspect is gone, but individual skill is still there. But once you take out the entire team, suddenly individual skill is lessened when everyone else can just do it perfectly, no? Just had it on my mind.

If they made it difficult then the majority of solo players would never complete it. Most solo players do not want hard content. Just the rewards of hard content.

Ff14 kind of has that but I still prefer real people because the content goes down quicker. The AI is definitely nice though at times

Eh, I’d likely program it where if the PC messed up or died, the NPCs either had to make up for the mistake or despawned. In otherwords, make it so that the NPCs can do the fight, but they need the PC to follow the commands or whatever.

Just can’t stop having a beef with solo players…