So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

But you’re too lazy to look for yourself.

Makes sense.

I claim Bloodypaws hacked my computer. Source? Google it.


Also the top 1% are going to play this game no matter what. So bad choice on blizzards end to cater to them

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To quote the great Lady Grantham: “I never argue. I explain.”

Which you can get on a T-shirt. I should.


but the rest of the people will pay for a garbage game just to post on the forums or that’s what it seems like anyway.

I bought a 6 month sub. Haven’t logged in over a month now because the game is incredibly boring. Been on ff14 mostly if you’re interested

Snozh is just one of those that plays by the forum rules, but comes across as an elitists ahole to those that disagree with him.

He once put me in the group that wanted challenging content, yet now he does not because I posted that I wanted content that could be made easier with gear. He took that to mean I wanted content that could be overgeared, when all I was asking for is that soft nerf gear provides for content.

This is the kind of behavior that tends to get Snozh called out, he might not berate people but many argue with him and he just refuses to listen or entertain the idea there is a massive gray area where people can fall into that don’t meet his black and white thinking.

The onus is on you buddy. You made the claim.

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S4 is boring, Beta is fun.

Why would I? I’m not going to defend your bad position for you. You dug yourself this hole, now dig yourself out of it.

I mean I could make the claim, dredge up some evidence but my experience on this forums tells me that I’d just be wasting my time.

Plus it’s not conductive to the conversation and people should be able to make up their own minds and observations like the fellows quote I linked.

Don’t make claims if you’re not willing to substantiate them.


You did.

You haven’t.

What changes minds should be sources and data, not you re-stating your opinion as fact.


See what I mean?

Thing is, too many appear to have their minds made up, and trying to talk with them to get them to change their minds is like talking to a brick wall, even if sources and data are provided, someone will just try to pass it off as bias or something.

Bloody, provide the data you can, some might not say they are open to such but they are, reach the ones willing to change their minds and ignore the ones that are not.

That’s an awfully charitable way to describe the SquareEnix marketing department folks who troll the forums daily.

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The thing is, no data has yet been presented to back up the assertion in question.

As we saw in a recent high profile case, This can lead to a default judgement against a party.

In this case it’d be borderline player harassment, which is why I linked the quote instead.

Reputation speaks louder than individual acts.

That’s because at the time you stated that you wanted challenging content.

Then you turned around and said you wanted content to be challenging but could be eventually overcome with outgearing it much like the original mage tower. That’s not wanting challenging content.

My concern is no one else follows your misunderstanding of how the court establishes intent.