So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

The game is never going to award solo gameplay with anything better than normal raid ilvl gear.

The sooner you accept that the better off you will be.

Or don’t I don’t really care.

You’re always looking for an argument so you can’t admit that you’re wrong otherwise the game is over for you.

Yet here you are.

Crusading to make solo players your escape goat, whenever someone threatens your experience.

You’re always wrong which is why this is so funny.

Berate: To scold or condemn vehemently and at length. (Webster)

Vehemently: Marked by forceful energy. (Webster)

Yeah… that’s not what Snozy did.

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I’m not looking for anything. You’re the ones who’s feelings are still hurt and actively seek me out in threads.

You really should stop using words you don’t understand the meaning too.

It also doesn’t come with the social ties that organized content comes with in particular for Raiding. Blizz has always pushed content that requires social play and social connections because without those it’s more likely for players to come and go.

I can pull his history if you like.

Please do.

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Considering Sos is just as guilty of it, they won’t admit to fault of course. They both do so very frequently.

Inc multiple posts where he thinks he makes a point and fails as usual :joy:

Edit: called it. Knew he was going to bring that thread up again.

Dude continues to be nothing but an angry troll.

There’s what someone else observed.

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Hey Pawzer did Zandrae get a forum vacation for sock puppet spam reporting?

So your opinion is “someone else said it so it must be true”?

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You can review his posts for yourself.

It’s not unfathomable to come to such a conclusion.

I’m not reading an entire 500+ thread. Prime the link.

You are being asked to cite the specific ones you find objectionable. You are not doing that.


Does that mean if you and others say that Bloody doesn’t have a credible opinion on anything WoW related he HAS to accept it as true? :joy:

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I’m not a forum lawyer.

I have better things to do with my time.

Have fun screaming into the void.

Lmao so you can’t actually quote him berating anyone.

Burden of proof falls on you if you are accusing him of something.

I’m pointing out that you are being asked to defend your position and are refusing to do so. That’s it.

If you claim a positive, it’s your responsibility to prove it. Saying you can’t prove it didn’t happen is not proof that it did.

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