So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

How would the solo content be required? If Blizz implemented it correctly, there wouldn’t be any open world content at max level that raiders would have to do aside from basic story quests. And you wouldn’t need open-world gear to complete those.

You actually need to have a clue when you talk about something. Hence why no one takes you seriously.

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Even when you literally could not contribute to the final boss fight without doing a long open world quest chain?

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If you’re going to play this kind of game then you should know you’ve already lost.

Cause I’m pretty sure you’re much more hated than I.

Raiders have been forced to grind solo content in every patch with the exception of season 4.

It’s literally how this game has always been.

I never lose. Especially to you.

Even if that were the case this forum is filled with terrible players.

People don’t like being told the truth.

Even then, yes. Because you still have a choice. You’re not forced to do anything :3

In this case, Pattern of Conduct. Not sure why you’re alt hopping though, guess it’s time to run through the whole list to see which one you might be. Also, for the person I referenced it would fall under Specific intent because they very much knew the consequences and all that would come from it when they did so which you can find to be true given them bringing up prior history of them doing it.

You didn’t have to do anything, actually.

No :3 As I said, you’re not forced to do anything. You’re not even forced to do that fight.

Thank you for entirely missing the argument.

This is not true. Intent is broken down into carefully defined elements that all must be proven.

Rolling around in grass gives fleas :frowning:

If you wanted to be able to fight n’zoth (to be useful on N+, participate at all on LFR), you had to get the cloak.

Pretty sure you have. Either your ego won’t let you admit it or your too wrapped up in your own upside down world.

I’m betting on the latter.

That doesn’t excuse you berating them for having an opinion that isn’t yours.

Explain how you could be useful on n’zoth without the cloak?

Thank you for entirely missing the argument.

my argument is:
If you want to do x, you must do y
And you’re replying with:
well you don’t have to do x.

We’re not talking about how the game was or has been. We’re talking about how the game could be. Try to keep up. If Blizzard actually implemented open-world content correctly, raiders wouldn’t have to worry about grinding it except for when it comes to the basics (like story quests). And story quests are hardly a grind when compared to things like reps, which would be entirely optional in this scenario. You would be able to progress in the game the way you like (via raiding) and enjoy your raid gear to your heart’s content. And open-world players could have their own gear that they can enjoy out in the open world. Everyone wins. And if you’re upset about having to grind out separate gearsets that would make you more optimal in optional open-world play, you’re just an entitled hypocrite.

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damn you don’t come to the forums for two days and you miss a juicy “but the 1%ers” thread.

You were wrong implying there’s an arbitrary standard of actions and words to prove intent.

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I can’t accept it. I won’t. Do better is all I have to say

Pawzer just likes to play the victim. Jumps immediately to accusations instead of trying to correct someone. Then has the audacity to seek an apology.

I was not wrong, actually. Unless you think no one on the forums has ever been hit by it because “They can’t prove intent without reading one’s mind.”

But go off as you alt-hop because you want to avoid your name being associated with your posts. I won’t indulge you further.

Ya’ll, they don’t care about this. They want the game to remain this way because it benefits them. It’s that simple.

I mean you’re delusional enough to think I you have actually beaten me in anything is beyond hilarious.

I don’t berate people. I don’t care if people have an opinion. When you try to claim to have an informed opinion is where you can’t seem to understand

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