So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Imagine being so delusional and wrong at the same time.

It’s ok if you want solo content. I don’t care. It’s an issue and affects me when you start asking for heroic and mythic level gear for braindead content.

Ps those games you keep listing aren’t that successful.

People ignored ZM gear as it is which is supposed best for content. Top of trivial stuff doesn’t have to be optimized.

Arenas only take 2 minutes

You wouldn’t be penalized. The gear would be there for you to earn if you expend the effort to do it :slight_smile:

After all, don’t you say the same thing to open-world players when it comes to raiding and getting high-end gear?

And you people say that open-world players are entitled…

Any time someone mentions an idea that would allow open-world players to have their own gear progression, raiders are quick to dismiss it because they don’t like the idea that they should dare have to do a separate grind to be optimal in open-world play. Just admit that you’re selfish and move on.

ur better at trolling than that tull guy talking about gays all the time, but you are less funny. Just arguing for no reason all the time is not entertaining

a lvl 50 naked worgen from moonguard with hidden profile does nothing but make ridiculous strawman arguments about pronouns or parses, links worthless fake EU logs, smh son

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As long as Blizzard pushes this E-sport crap, then the players will feel alienated.

How exactly is wanting a progression path for world content or whatever… entitled?


I dont have 10 hours a day for WoW… an adult with job/family but I HAVE A BIG ROOM FOR DRAGONFLIGHT.

BECOZ I AM NOT A NOOB. I could do some M+, some Raids and extra stuffs within the game. All I need is a Group Finder. Get in a group, do the dungeons, kill the bosses and mobs, get the loots and leave… then repeat. 4 dungeons per week, some raid boss kills in a week, do the weeklies and some dailies. That’s it. Modern WoW is CASUAL FRIENDLY.

About the 1% elites, I dont mind them. I mind my own business on this game. Those solo players? Get a group or else… Hope you dont get bored on trivial stuffs. If you want more goodies and more content, you know where to find it… it’s on the pillars of WoW established since it started in Vanilla 18 years ago and it’s still the same game today. It’s all about dungeons, raid and PvP.

If you dont care about the pillars then more power to you for playing a limited content. It’s your money not mine. If you ask Solo’ing to become a pillar… it’s already there… it’s called leveling… it’s called catch up complete with welfare epics like Korthia or ZM… on Season 1 of DF BTW, there would be no catch up areas yet. It’s on Season 2 onwards.

If you want Mythic Raid quality gear just by doing your trivial stuffs on Solo, sorry, it’s not this game. You are on a wrong game. Becoz if this game gives Mythic Raid quality on Solo, everyone would have it including the elites. So if everybody has Mythic Raid quality gear, all dungeons and raid would be a faceroll. WOW WOULD BECOME A GARBAGE IF EVERYBODY IS FACEROLLING THE CONTENT. But it wont happen. Keep dreaming, Solo players. Sorry, you are in a wrong game.

This game isn’t just for raiders.

That statement alone shuts down any conversation you have to say.

You’re only interested in making this game better for yourself and raiders.


Catch up is there for people that want to switch mains or play alts. Or just simply didn’t play the previous season.

Not a primary means of progression in world content.

where did anyone ask for mythic raid quality gear?

Did you, a known sock puppet, have fun spam reporting multiple of my posts?

Having to carry yet another set of gear to do required solo content is a penalty.

So yes I would be penalized.

The difference is gear is rewarded based on difficulty and group content. Solo content is not difficult nor does it deserve the normal ilvl it already gets.

You’re the one wanting the game to cater to you by adjusting how loot is done.

I so yes you are the entitled one.

Solo players already can progress to normal raid level gear. Just because you don’t like the progression doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I won’t admit to something I’m not. The sooner you realize you’re the entitled party the better.

Nope, they were never ‘forced’ to do open world content.

Again never said it was.

Sorry I don’t take the opinions of known trolls who don’t even play the game seriously.

The funny part is I’m not advocating for any change. I’m just anti cater to entitled players.

I know you are unable to actually refute anything.

A top 10 eu feral would know your statement would be a lie.

Thanks for proving you don’t have a clue :joy:

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You do every time you draw lines and seek to create division.

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Everytime you pretend to have a clue what you are talking about creates division.

Stop being a hypocrite

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Nope? No one forced them to do it, you actually can’t force anyone to do anything. :3

But to a Solo player, it’s their game world. Without it, they thought they were left behind like on Shadowlands Season 4.

Even if it’s an M+ quality Gear, Solo is way lower in difficulty, therefore, should have inferior loots.

The gamer has this flow:

  • Step 1… Level up to max level
  • Step 2… Gear up for Dungeons
  • Step 3… Gear up for M+ or Heroic Raid and kill its Final Boss
  • Step 4… Step up and do Mythic Raid and kill its Final Boss

Solo players stops on Step 1 or 2. What they want is to get the goodies of Step 3 or Step 4 by just doing Step 1 or 2. Keep on dreaming.

Solo is the easiest difficulty in the game. How could it get better loots if it’s the easiest difficulty of the game?

Maybe they want Horrific Vision or Torghast Solo… But Horrific Visions and Torghast could be done on group… And it is a faceroll in groups. Getting high ilevel gear thru facerolls? It is not balanced. That’s why such stuffs wont have loots. Vision did but it’s unfair becoz it is not balanced as Solo. Completing Vision as a Healer/Tank is 10x to 100x harder than a DPS.

Not everyone needs a badge or resume to have a valid opinion.