So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

ZM cypher bonuses are stupidly powerful in the open world, with more power than a full 278 set when it was current.

Probably still active? Pawzer found my “main” somehow.

RealID would be better, a sort of Linkedin included would be good too.

I mean you have your own posted around, you wouldn’t mind me posting it here no?

No, it’s dead. It worked on the old forums, it was a Chrome Extension that modified the html using an external database that crawled the armory and compared pets/achievements to link toons together.

No, we don’t need personal identifying information so trolls can dox people.

Wonder how Pawzer tracked my main down then. Former main I should say.

No, it wasn’t you’re just looking for a gotcha moment.

Neither do I it’s not fun and the MAJORITY as in People who don’t raid should get more content.

There is no content that can satisfy those people since they just want to show up to collect loot. The best loot, I might add.

i always remember back to when Benthic gear was a thing.

everyone on the GD was so happy that they got to get the BIS gear because Benthic was OP, and they’ve used that in arguments as to a “better time”

but they didn’t realize that it wasn’t BiS for anything but raid content, because the procs weren’t good for world content other than maybe the fish one and flat stats were almost always better for the content they did kek

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Already been done, person who claims to be kat#22212

Your EU main ?


Your Priest on Illdan, easy enough with

I don’t need a gotcha moment. I used your own argument against you. I didnt bring up increasing populations with the coming expansion until you brought up how new world gained an inconsequential amouny after the new patch.

That wouldn’t happen, because this place is very optional to partake in. Kinda like when you take legal action, it gives your information to the person it’s filed against. Personally I just think it’d be good for employers to know what their employees are posting in places like this including things that are considered discriminatory or hate speech.

Ah, figured as much. Isn’t that cogshanks 2.0?

It is exactly what your looking for

People have already been doxxed. Zandrae is someone who is known to have stalked someone from forums to social media and doxed them.

When they tried to convert to realID the first time people doxxed the Blizzard employee.

Yes, because if you have two separate types of gear (open world and instanced), then the things that instanced players complain about will no longer matter. Instanced players will have their own sets and open world players will have theirs. Each would be highly beneficial for the specific type of content that those players prefer to do. In that scenario, people who still complain about open world players getting good gear would just be unreasonable and selfish.

Believe what you want if it makes you feel better lmao.

People complain a lot less about PVP when they don’t have to do it.

Not exactly since it’s not conveniently displayed right under their names on the forums. Cogshanks also offered a few features to auto populate things like a signature on the forum. It was a great extension that the new forums broke entirely.