So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Cause Pawzer did tell me to dredge up forum rules:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

Now, for something relevant.

Has anyone tried beta keys?

90% of the posts in this thread fall under this category.

Including the OP TBH.

if Blizzard actually enforced the forum rules, they don’t realize they’d be first on the chopping block, not me.

Ironically, no source for that. They never mention active player count, just expansion sales.

Seems ya’ll are not very good at at that given you keep responding to me or talking about me.

Talk about derailing a thread, then make posts that are literally just about me and not about the topic. lol. Can’t make it up from the ‘elitist’ group.

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Are you implying that the population won’t increase from now when the expansion comes out? Like it does every expansion?

Been doing that everytime Pawzer posts.

I roll a coin to guess which personality is posting today. It’s either the top 10 eu feral or super casual Pawzer :joy:

This version seemed to suggest that realID come back…

Disagree… 1% deserves more credit.

It’s funny, yet forum posts are so serious that they’ll hide them.

Yea, can still search through roundabout methods. A hassle.

Wonder how realid will work for them.

You can even sometimes see their deleted posts.

We need battletags.

I’ve called out so many people for self liking with multiple toons. One even self liked over 20 times.

Sure why not.

I would love for WoW to make their open world more challenging, rewarding, and engaging like GW2’s open world. I think it’s possible for them to accomplish it if they can:

  1. Be consistent with new features & systems by building and improving on things vs. tearing it all down every xpac.

  2. Stop listening to the whining of instance andys. Creating separate sets of gear for open world and instanced players is completely viable imo. They already do it with PvP. But any time someone mentions something like that, you have the instance andys that come in and start raging about how open-world players shouldn’t get nice gear simply because they play in the open world vs. doing instanced content. It’s silly.

Yeah, but then you’ll have zandrae crusade against it, but if you search “Zandrae#” you’ll find their btag in about 100 different places.

So they have to listen and cater to open world Andys but not instance Andys?

Zandrae was another one who was intent on me misgendering them because I mispelt their name wrong a single time sawpping the A and the E.

So it’s not right when I say new world is growing but it is right you say wow will grow because of an expansion.

I see Andy. Only you can be right.

Simple fact.

Raids are killing wow. When someone says they want different content Andy’s… like you… come out of the woodwork.

But it’s ok to say KiLl LfR, cASualS are trash, wElFaRe gEar and so on.

Cut back raiding. Equalize gear and rewards. make more casual content. Don’t like it tough more and more people think this every day

They tried with Zereth Mortis kinda with zone specific bonuses.

It was your own logic that I used.

I don’t even raid.

Bring back cogshanks IMO.

People were so mad that we had all their alts/mains listed right under their names.

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Solo content which is difficult doesn’t have high engagement rate I’d wager. That’s why we don’t have horrific visions 3.0.

If raids were killing WOW, you’d think Blizzard would stop making them.