So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

can i have your gold when you show blizzard who’s who and stop subscribing?

But yet you’re the one trying in way that people who want different content are wrong.

Toxic much?

You are playing the wrong genre of games if you can’t deal with repetition.

By making raids that don’t just fall over like WQ mobs ?

Naxx 25 was full cleared by a bunch of Gus like raiders (bless his tiny heart) with Asmongold’s new fresh start guild in the first week.

That exists in retail : it’s called normal mode.

So wait wow is a theme park mmo.

Have you tried any besides wow? Kind of a narrow view

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What MMORPG has you kill bosses or dungeons only once and done?

Where? I’d love more content including solo and I’d atually do it unlike players like you who’d likley complain that it was too hard like we saw with Visions, The Mage Tower and Torghast.

A quick glance at their profile suggest that they aren’t really even playing this game.

Yes it was, for the 100th time.

Sure, but a name isn’t a pronoun and isn’t particularly related to misgendering. :3

Sounds like you’re trying to gaslight me about intentionally misgendering, tbqh.

That’s fine, as long as you’re fine with future encounters going about the same way including any references to you as a person in the future as ‘intentionally misgendering’ to anyone I speak with.

No it’s not.

Sounds to me like you’re trying to play the victim which is why you tried to decry that I somehow ‘derail threads’ while you and a bunch of others derail these threads long before I ever arrive or get stuck on certain things instead of doing the right thing in the first place.

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LOL news flash! Yes it is.

I’d say I’ve probably played more MMOs in the past than you by a wide margin and I say that because my friends joke about how many I’ve played over the years.

How can you tell someone’s intent?

With the exception of torgast because I don’t like shadowlands I completeled thos activities but way to assume.

Like I said… toxic… very toxic. You assume anyone hat has a different opinion is trash.

But I would say most of us are not easily entertained

Quarantine immediately. Torghast cannot be allowed to spread.

I just don’t think any of us really respect the opinion of someone who complains about the systems of a game they don’t really play.

And most other mmos have a better character progression that raid or die or the raids are puggable

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It specifically shows that I use your name when referring to you so I don’t have to remember what your pronouns are. Me inserting he/him in a quick reply does not constitute as intentional misgendering. The fact that I even refer to you by name and rarely anyone else should show you that I attempted to be respectful, but no, you have to make a huge deal about it and attempt to gaslight me. If I honestly didn’t care about you I would keep referring to you as he/him, but I don’t do that, do I?

People who make false accusations should be gaslighted. Amber Heard much?

You 100% did jump to conclusions because you assumed one thing when contextually I meant for you to leave the conversation in the same language which you used on me.

Same way a forum mod does, or a judge, or a jury, etc. Actions and wording.

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wait for shadowlands classic and it’ll be puggable then too.

And they’ll come to the conclusion: you aren’t important.

I’m pretty sure not many people that think like you.

Unless you can explain the mass exodus of players from the Warcraft over the years. Almost like blizzard can’t admit that catering to raiders is not working