So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

And? That just proves that large scale Raiding isn’t the issue it’s the current design of Raiding that’s causing a decline and that’s not just mechanics.

It’s alive and well because it’s easy due to the passage of time. So will shadowlands be when it gets to classic era.

If you think the Classic community is better, you have not actually played classic. The people there are AWFUL to each other, over content that takes no active conscious thought to complete.

See you missed the part where I said for years. No one wants to do it for years.

And raids in wrath were puggable without it being a nightmare.

I saw it and ignored it because it’s not factual.

And retail isn’t?

Then it will continue, because it was intentional.

You didn’t in previous instances when I gently corrected you, but go off.

I mean thanks for at least admitting that you’re projecting so hard onto others.

Then it’s intentional, innit?

No one is a model citizen, but I at least abide by the rules of said society and you do not. :3

I said “From the conversation” you explicitly said otherwise, so you knew what you were doing.

More evidence of bad faith from both, not surprising. So much projection.

Ya know, I think RealID to post on the forums would be neat because at least certain things would be resolved.

Not really? you were going to file or already did, a report on me because I used Mr.

Ah I’m talking to someone that has 3 brain cells.

I get it you think your special and your time is more important than anyone else

LOL how? Would you openly stalk someone in real life?

They found my “main” somehow that I haven’t posted on in forever. Real life stalking might not be a stretch,

Honestly, I think the retail community is WAY nicer than the Classic community. You have a much higher chance of finding a learning group in Retail where people are excited to help new players than you ever will on Classic. Classic players assume everyone has done the content 100’s of times and any single mistake is met with the most insane behavior I’ve ever seen.

I would like to know what retail you are referring to because I’ve never seen this game so toxic


100 death beta group is where it’s at.

Hahaha. I guess that’s that then.

It was for the 100th time, not intentional. Have you noticed I refer to you as Pawzer? How often do you see me refer to people by name? Even in the post you gaslighted me on, above that was me referring to you by name.

I don’t recall. Either way, you still didn’t correct me today in a manner that would generate an apology.

This is another case of you jumping to conclusions. I said remove yourself in the context of you telling me to remove myself with it even block quoted. You are seriously unreal and like to play the victim.

Well, it is.

You can’t understand that people don’t want to kill the same 8 bosses for almost a year tinge and repeat 2 times. Get reset and do it again…. Over and over.

But remember raiders are the smart ones that find that entertaining and trigger when other people want different content.

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Sure, if you don’t have in game friends and/or a solid Guild you risk running into bad people when you PUG all the time but that’s on you.

Almost every WOW problem players have can be solved by being social and playing with friends.

Honestly based on the way you conduct yourself on these forums

I’m starting to guess the problems you face in the retail community are more stemming from your behavior than anyone else’s.

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Welcome to Theme Park MMO’s. They obviously aren’t for you.

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