So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Yes, I remember them after you have already derailed the thread about it. When I am quickly replying to someone and throw in he/him without thinking about what someone’s gender is, it is not intentionally misgendering them.

Clearly you should remove yourself because you think you are so important that people will remember how you identify yourself when being replied to quickly.

Those elite areas were definitely scaling on ptr/beta to ilvl before it got changed to how it is now because people complained.

We technically do have a very small ilvl scaling today it’s just barely noticeable unless you are in low level quest greens going into ZM for example.

You do realize it takes maybe around 20-30 mins to finish a high end m+ right? You don’t need to be “hardcore” to do this. Raiding, you can find 1-2 night raiding guilds doing Mythic with only 3 hrs per raid. That is a whopping 6 hrs of raid time per week.

Sounds like you are just lazy and don’t want to put in any effort at all.

This is getting old when people throw the term “casual” around. You do realize “casual” players have no trouble doing mythic raiding and high end m+ too right?

MMOs probably aren’t for you.

I’d like for this thread to get back on topic please, it is critical that we as a community come to a conclusion about healer damage…

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That you wanted to drag others and their skill, while deciding to not post on a character relevant to the conversation when you had one available to you - and when your mains progress is very poor itself.

Lol, everyone outside of CE = very poor? It’s a spectrum.

Where was that thread where you were both a 2k rio player and a 3700 rating god?

It is, which is why you still haven’t corrected it or yourself, or gave apology. Just like previous instances, you prefer to derail threads like this that you dislike. :3

Ah, wishes of harm against someone now too? That’s pretty yikes.

Reply slower, then. Go play solo games, not online ones. Remember to abide by the rules of society.

Definition of casual, Ala even Blizzard, is people that don’t do mythic raiding for sure, and definitely not consistently running M+.

Lol apologizing to people who play the gotcha game.

Reply slower, then. Go play solo games, not online ones. Remember to abide by the rules of society.

You aren’t the center of the universe.

Good thing is the more and more blizzard caters to RaIDerS the more people leave and go to other games so we can get variety and maybe just maybe blizzard will actually make engaging content for more that just RAidErS.

Seriously how easily entertained are a group of people to kill the same 8 bosses for 8 months and then do it again. And run encounters that require 15 addons with 10 phases and repeat that for hours.

And according RaIdErS it’s good content and you’re just lazy for not wanting to do it for years.

Yeah everyone else is dumb and that’s why 90 percent of people have left Warcraft.

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continuous success is boring. That’s why I’m having fun on beta dying to the first boss over and over in m+.

Think it’s 30 wipes or something without a kill :smiley:

M+ down for the week though until weekend maybe.

I’m not going to apologize to someone who automatically makes accusations about it being intentional. If you politely corrected me, like any other civilized person, I would apologize. Why would I apologize to someone so blatantly and historically rude and aggressive?

No thanks.

“Rules by society” lmao, and you think you are a model citizen by the way you respond to people?

In what world is telling you to remove yourself, after you tell me the same thing, wishing you harm?

I think Pawzer prays on being misgendered so they can file reports to somewhere, cackling with glee.

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Id counter that if Blizz was actually catering to Raiders in Retail so many wouldn’t be playing in Classic where the Raid scene is vibrant.

Classic lets people be the king of [censored] mountain.

I would counter that Wrath raids are superior in every way because of the reasons I listed.

Who cares? Raiding is alive and well in Classic so it’s not the type of content that a problem.

Wrath raids on average have 4 mechanics and can be completed by a litter of cats.

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What does this even mean ?


ae ?

And that makes them puggable without wanting to Jill yourself. And because of that the community is better.

It’s literally the largest starting continent for any xpac in the game with a story campaign and threads of fate style levelling which your alts don’t have to choose between and can do both…