So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

You’re confusing challenge with tedium. It is not hard to drink and eat after every single fight, it is however extremely boring. And even the classic community by and large hated it. That is why SM boosting was so popular, people were willing to pay to skip content not because it was hard, but because it was just not interesting.

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Eh, I thought it was challenging in a fun way.
Having to get really good at hunter kiting and trapping etc to not die.

The Maw I find tedious.

Only thing challenging is staying awake through most of it.

You could have done the exact same thing in the Maw, learn to trap and kite. So I’m really confused about what specifically in the Maw was worse than the Classic WoW leveling experience?

Well if I wasn’t careful in classic I’d die. In the Maw, at least as someone with bad gear and is a beast master, I am still burly enough to not die but everything is a damage sponge. Enemies take a long time to kill and there are a bunch of them and they like dazing you if you run past.

For people who have been playing all expansion and have gear this is probably not an issue. But good gear trivialized Classic too.

Solo content is usually tuned to the same difficulty as easy mode in a single player AAA game. Because there’s only one difficulty for everyone the common denominator has to be accounted for. There are lots of bad gamers who are willing to pay money to play and would be playing on easy mode.

Because you talk about a heightened sense of self-importance, then go on about how ‘x isn’t important to ME.’ It literally applies to yourself, not me.

That would be considered spam, if you read the forum CoC. So no, I will just correct people that do so every time until they prevent themselves from doing so and remember. Just like in real life, it makes no sense to end a sentence or a conversation with stating pronouns. :slight_smile:

Not really.

Nope! When you decide to post on such topics like the 1%, and of course using a random level 10 when you have a main available to post on is just telling of someone especially when they want to talk about ‘private profiles’ Wildebunny.

You can, unless you admit that Sosari is literally bookmarking posts? Take your pick. Also learn the definition of gaslighting.

Raiders are, actually.

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Solo Shuffle? Gear standardization?

I don’t “intentionally” misgender you. Just like how people refer to me as him or her and I don’t care either way because it’s completely inconsequential in a discussion that’s about M+.

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Wrong. If you ask how much the 1% spend on WoW tokens vs the casuals monthly sub. You will know that 1 top 1% player can easily handle 15+ casuals quitting the game.

The amount of WoW tokens they buy to pay for their boosts and consumables are more than enough to compensate for the casuals quitting the game.

Blizzard has always put their priority on revenue than population and overall fun.

Blizzard isnt as dumb as you think. They know what they are doing. They know how to make money and they know the source of their income.

They dont care if they lose casual subs as long as they can maintain their hardcore fanbase.

They also know that no matter how much they mess up their decision making, the loyal fanbase is already too deep in the sunk cost fallacy that people are just willing to swallow everything up and play just cause of the investment they put in the game.

Intentionally in quotes, gets upset when corrected and goes on a huge tirade every time but never corrects their language - even links the very thread where I corrected them in September but ‘forgets’ and ofc, doesn’t apologize and rectify it.

Then remove yourself from the conversation because that’s what you are, too. All conversation is the same, you’re free to talk to an AI or something else that isn’t a real person behind the screen.

Also, what else is inconsequential in a discussion? You’re the one that brought about a pronoun that wasn’t needed.


oops again


Hmm none of those had anything to do with M+!

More irony, since you’re the one that brought it up as well as attempted to de-rail with prior posts from September. Nice try, though! You’re pretty

You can, it gives you a post count.

You can, if you knew how to utilize the search function.

My pronouns are not female, try again.

Only the bad faith ones like you.

Because you dragged other players about ‘skill’ and ‘hard content’. Thanks!

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This is like the third or fourth thread that Pawzer has derailed and made it about “misgendering” and feels personally attacked when people use the wrong pronoun.

I can’t look up how many posts you have on this forum or your post history. A generic search doesn’t return all the details.

Because you talk about a heightened sense of self-importance, then go on about how ‘x isn’t important to ME.’ It literally applies to yourself, not me.

Yea, you aren’t important to me, that I forgot that you were female once already today.

That would be considered spam, if you read the forum CoC. So no, I will just correct people that do so every time until they prevent themselves from doing so and remember. Just like in real life, it makes no sense to end a sentence or a conversation with stating pronouns.

People might remember your posts, but not your gender.

Nope! When you decide to post on such topics like the 1%, and of course using a random level 10 when you have a main available to post on is just telling of someone especially when they want to talk about ‘private profiles’ Wildebunny.

You dragged my supposed “main” into this. It was only then that I cared about your posts being hidden. Cogshanks or whatever is still around I guess.

Sos, do you know who JB is ?

Apparenly, he’s so popular that not knowing him generates froth at the mouth and people start calling you a liar.

So you must know who he is right ?

It’s in quotes because you accuse people of misgendering you intentionally. I use he /him when I talk to anyone I don’t know. You are the one who gets upset because you derail threads about it.

Lile I said people refer to me as he or her based on my toon and you don’t see me getting my panties in a bunch and correcting them, let alone with accusations.

You can, if you knew how to utilize the search function.

Apparently, I don’t, the same way I don’t know how you found my “main.”

Because you dragged other players about ‘skill’ and ‘hard content’. Thanks!

Your point?

My pronouns are not female, try again.

If you wanted to do something outside of scoring cheap “virtue” points, state your preferences when correcting people.

They made chunks of all four zones in SL exactly the way they handled the max-level content in WoD. The content doesn’t scale. It’s always pegged at the level cap and the mobs are elites. They’re sequestered/separated from the non-elite stuff by geography, just as they were in WoD.

Absent of a WQ for a world boss that has a chance to drop a nice gear piece or a class’ legendary thing for the Runecrafter, there’s little reason to go do that content. Endlessly grinding elites isn’t inherently more rewarding.

They do, I already proved you do. You even remember ‘how many threads’ I allegedly derailed a thread even though you’ve made more posts about it then I have here and you brought up prior topics that are considering to be derailing from the thread itself. You literally do everything you accuse others of doing.

That’s fine, I’m sure you’re fine with other acts that are considered dehumanizing being used on others and yourself but don’t expect others to be.

To use quotes.

That you wanted to drag others and their skill, while deciding to not post on a character relevant to the conversation when you had one available to you - and when your mains progress is very poor itself.

I did, I linked the post that had my preferred pronouns in it. The one from Sept 7th when I corrected Sos.

If they can bookmark some of my old posts regarding me, they can surely bookmark that one too. :slight_smile:

Talk about derailing LOL

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Is that Justin Bieber?

That’s what I said too!

Someone then started spouting about my post count and how I was a liar. Ok, good to know I’m actually sane and no one really cares about Justin Bieber.

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