So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

He claimed to be a Top EU player and tried to flex on everyone and failed if you remember.

Logs shouldn’t exist or should be opt-out - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

I parse like I don’t give a damn about heal parses as long as i have fun and we down the boss. And at least I don’t cower behind an alt. Sniff my parses some more, there’s a good hypocrite.

good thing you don’t ever use hyperbole and strawmanning, hypocrite.

No, you go mod Skyrim and give yourself all the loot that you want. I don’t want wow made into a single player game and anytime any casual wants to dress up their desire to selfishly gut the social game so that they can grind out raid loot I’ll call that out and remind them that the game’s focused around an increase in player power through gear progression where the gear comes from challenging group content. For 17 years. And if they want to turn this into some kind of meaningless drop-in drop-out solo content generator, I’ll remind them of the fact.

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Pawzer tries to bring parses into every argument. Even brought up my Tank parses even though I don’t raid.

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Threads always get extremely productive when the dog magician makes an appearance…


what a redact.

lol i’ll keep that in mind for when the kodo pellet starts up again.

Oh goody. Ion should travel back in time and change his tweet to “you can solo at 70 what you could at 120”

If you want to play a single player game, there are MUCH better options available.

Just from a gameplay standpoint, wow feels terrible when you’re out in the world. When fighting mobs, compared to like a witcher, or dark souls, or assassins creed, you don’t even feel like you’re fighting them. WoW is so clunky as a solo game.

Group content is great in WoW, and it still feels good to work as a team to accomplish a goal. The devs know this, and that is what they double down on.

If you want to play by yourself, save yourself some money, and go play far superior games when they come onsale for 10 bucks on steam.

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LOL the “what defines a casual” wars continue. Thank you for defining how serious (or not) someone takes a hobby.

I’ll leave this for your pleasure…
George Carlin - Idiot and Maniac - YouTube


It’s a hard call. The 1% bring in players who pay subscriptions. The solo players make up the majority who pay the monthly subscription. I haven’t verified if there is content for PvE players as of yet.

How does the 1% bring in players at all?

The 1% form guilds that bring in new players to raid, pvp and do dungeons. Solo players wouldn’t be solo players if they brought others into the game.

The 1% is not raiding with any person that’s new to raiding. That’s why they’re the 1%.

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There are plenty of 1% players who lead pug raids for fun or for viewers. Same with M+. We saw “viewer keys” all expansion.

Married, have a kid, and work 60 hours a week, and yet still fully top end geared each season with high’ish M+ scores, and i consider myself casual as hell…
Just a bait thread by some nerd in his cave, giggling as they were writing this post knowing it would be pointless to talk about.

Casuals will and always have things to do now and coming in next expansion. If you can’t stand the social pressure of joining a group and gearing up in a MMO well thats on you. At least you will have professions that will give you top end gear, but for the “casuals” it will cost you some wow tokens so other people can do it for you.
Please stop hiding behind your alts on the forums.


At work, I’ll make sure to watch it later. Sounds like an interesting video though.

So…why did I get a notification for this post?

You misunderstand you not wanting to play meta and group as anything but a choice.

You can choose friendly people. You can choose your own group. You can choose a Guild.

Just because you don’t like something or at least you think you don’t like something… Doesn’t mean that the Avenue is blocked to you. It was a choice it wasn’t forced upon you

I guarantee you at least half dabble in mythic or raid. This 1% nonsense isnt flying

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Thank you for using actual facts and logic. The person who has been playing this game for 15 years isn’t bringing new players to the game. They’re playing with the same groups of people and joining other elite groups.

Casuals are the people who bring in new players because they have friends who don’t play and they do content - quests, leveling dungeons, that a new person can join them in and have fun with. That’s why party sync exists.