So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Well, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to figure out weather the level 50 with no achievements is running keys or raiding.

With hidden profile no less.

Obviously, someone isn’t proud of their in game achievements.

I’ve been given conflicting and contradictory reports on what they claim to be the EU toon

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No, I just steer clear of engaging with you as much as possible.

Since you always just start screaming “misgendering!” eventually when I say “dude”.

Yet, you don’t. Then you run away just like in the other thread.

Easy solution? Don’t misgender. It’s pretty easy, they/them. You clearly remember quite well, so my methods are effective. Perhaps you also remembered why dude isn’t a gender neutral, if not I can help drill it in there. It’s because it’s masculine default/leaning.

during warlords i played at least 50 hours per week - raided for 5 of them , did solo world stuff for teh rest on 1 character only – your claim is rubbish --there was plenty to do , and there will be plenty to do in DF . The game world of worcraft is not just its latest expansion , there is so much I still havent got done in teh game

You can have a life and run raids and (pukes a little) mythic +. Guilds I have been in raided twice a week for 2-3 hours, heck that was since forever. Mythic + (pukes again) can be easily found in group finder, its getting people to accept you for higher keys and that is a personal issue.

your existence baffles and angers me

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Someone who has this much of a victim complex can’t be a happy person irl.


Mmmyep, given your presence in other threads I’m not surprised. Tends to bring that out of people that don’t understand much in the world.

Ironic, given your guild discord messages about the forums and how Blizzard ‘has it all wrong’.

Usually, those that comment about other’s mental status simply because they have no argument against their posts are projecting pretty hardcore.

Nope, I have the correct one Mally. I have friends in that one.

Ah, now you try to play that card. That’s pretty amusing given you’re even afraid to type it all out. Speak your mind like it’s guild discord, I don’t bite.

I know, what you don’t understand frightens you and that’s OK.

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You must have the wrong guild.

Also, I’m not the person who responded to being told they were wrong with something to the effect of you just hate me because I’m < identity redacted >

you are so patronizing and antagonistic, it’s no wonder i haven’t experienced many people like you. I actively avoid them.

That is not a name I’ve ever used.

I also find that hard to believe.

It’s called a pet name, Mäläk. Do you prefer Kerthard, or just Caps? You haven’t explicitly stated which toon name is preferred, so I was just going off of ‘current main’ in a way.

You find a lot of things hard to believe.

That and you venting at times, I’m aware of your frustrations regarding here.

Then you’ll know that the vast majority of the forums mentions in that discord are from the wowhead bot.

I just did a search, there are 2. If you want to post lies about someone, go ahead and fake screenshots again. See if you’ve gotten any better.

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D’aww, someone was misled by a couple forum posters and doesn’t know that others got linked to the server and saw the message themselves.

What was that about telling lies about someone?

Prove it. Pics or it didn’t happen.

blues on LFR is another Ion design slap in the face to most players

Ion sure does love his gotchas

Was a beta bug that has been fixed.

Why not reward blues for all queued content?
Ilvl will stay the same.
And some say LFR is not real raiding but a story mode.