So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Raids do have timers; an enrage timer is a form of timer. Enrage timer starts the moment you start the encounter. It’s built into the fight and happens after a certain amount of time passes.

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Y’all aren’t seeing the casual gameplay loop Blizzard has thought up. We have revised gathering with material rarity. Think about how much control this gives Blizzard to shut down bots. A bot will gather up his stipend of rare drops immediately and then just produce bulk junk white mats. Cheap white mats are great for letting people train cheap, and legit players with limited time don’t feel like they have to gather 75 hours a week to compete with bots.

The major new content of DF is a new movement system with progression, which ties in greatly with DF gathering. They want it to be active and fun and engaging to move around the zones. They’re giving casuals absolute economic control and pushing the token cash sales off onto progression raiders. They’re going to need tons of these new rare materials to mount their raid orbs onto equipment. DF is the casual’s expansion.


I honestly wish they would just give us open world / LFR loot that progresses in power in its respective content. So as time goes on, you get stronger, but you can’t go into M+ or N / H / M raiding and have it be that same boosted ilvl. It’ll always scale down in the harder content to incentivize getting the strict upgrade in all content (Except PVP, ofc).

If Dragonflight truly has no end-game progression for solo content (Including RDF) - then they’re going to see what happened in WoD. AKA: A large player drop-off. Account wide rep only does so much, and pushing your alts through the same process is not everyone’s cup of tea. Even in FFXIV where you can swap between jobs on the spot, you often see a lot of people only playing a few - or just one.

We’ll see what they do if this is the case.

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I can’t wait for the selfie 3.0 patch.


What are you on about, Casual means Casual for a reason, As a casual myself and I can say for many others one its not hard to keep up in this game and two we don’t care too much about keeping up, we come in to do what we can socialize and have fun.

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It does.

It’s called Primalist Invasions :

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… freaking GOOD!
It’s an MMORPG!

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I can’t believe it took them this long to re-use Legion’s pre-patch event as an actual thing to use / do. Question is: How long does that grind last? I doubt a casual player going in and only doing that will be entertained for long if they just get a full set of gear then sit on their butt until the next ilvl boost in a major patch.

Forgive my ignorance as I haven’t looked deeply into DF’s new inclusions. S’why I speak in what if’s - thanks.

4 weekly storm sigils, you require probably around 50-60 for a full set.

So a 3-4 month casual grind for a full set. Can you upgrade it in any way? I assume there is more to it than that.

The storm sigil gear is the max level there is. There’s another lower ilvl set that’s quicker to farm out.

That makes a lot more sense then, thanks. Does that mean Normal > Primalist Base Set > Heroics > Primalist Sigil Set > M+ in terms of ilvl scaling?

I haven’t looked up Normal/heroic dungeon ilvls, but the sigil set is just slightly under LFR AFAIK.

If you like soloing old content they are screwing that up again too. Have fun doing nothing and like it.

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When Microsoft completes it’s deal, we can only hope they have changed from 2011 or so; and tell the Developers in no uncertain terms to end their service to the 1% and to do what FFXIV is doing, or to clear their desk out by week’s end.


the only reason wow was ever popular is because it had extremely difficult progression curves for the time. It was actually cool as hell to see a guy in full purples, it’s not cool anymore, and you wanna just kill that even more?

games that reward u for doing nothing do not generally do well, u need to give people challenge = reward, so nah man u should be forced to do hard content to get the best stuff


haha remember pre-nerf Oondasta? I remember the screams of rage on the forums.

It’s a conservative estimate and it’s a core group that subs and stays subbed as long as their friends / guildies are playing. Solo players by definition have less attachment to the game (at least going by how often they threaten to quit) and are insatiable and don’t want to do open world content (there’s loads in wow) but seem to only want some way to “progress” to mRaid gear from Tortollan puzzles.

lmao what? my casual guild does heroic raids once a week and we’ve never sold boosts and nor have any of the other heroic guilds I’m aware of, who make up the majority of the raiding guilds on my server. I want to keep raiding with my guild and giving hRaid loot for WQs will mean that some of the dads and moms who show up on Wednesday nights (my friends) will feel less incentivised to wipe 46 times on heroic jailer (we’re that bad, yes) before we finally took him down. Except that when you’re playing with friends, the experience of guild runs – jokes, laughter, complaints, teasing, defeat after frustrating defeat and finally victory – that’s the whole point of WoW and has been for 17 freakin years. Iron Serpents has been raiding since Vanilla and if some mayfly solo players want to rock up and ask for something that will gut our play mode which is nearly 2 decades old, you can bet that I’ll voice my opposition.

The loot isn’t real, it’s just numbers in a database somewhere. The only thing that’s real in WoW are the friendships you make.

Oh and I don’t give a crap about boosts and i think boosting and GDKPs should be banned and so should anyone who buys gold.

I thought you claimed to be a high end raider yourself.

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Sure, but you’ve seen all the times people talk about all their friends are gone because they got bored - especially of just raid logging.

Depends entirely on the player, there are some players that are more attached than others and it doesn’t particularly matter if they ‘solo’ or ‘group.’ In fact, the people that rely on groups are more likely to quit as a result of losing a member or two.

No source of this, of course. You clearly don’t understand how people play RPGs, especially MMORPGs.

Hyperbole and strawmanning, neat. I guess you have no way to refute any statements from others here so that’s what you go for.

Again, I saw your parses. I was implying you’re the type that gets carried and you use the raiding, and gear to make yourself feel ‘superior’ to others when in fact you’re not.

If your guild is only raiding for loot and not for fun, then why are you doing it specifically? You made plenty of hyperbole and strawmanned plenty earlier.

For some people, but if you’re willing to throw that away because your guildies find WQs more fun instead of raiding then that sounds like a them and you problem to sort out.

Yet you’re so scared about it getting put in world quests or anything else, lol.

I don’t consider myself a raider, I’m pretty casual if I do say myself. :3 (Plus if you paid attention I mainly do M+ with friends. Neat innit?)

Ah, you speak all the time about knowing my chars and how I don’t raid/had a bad parse or something but then you do tend to play like you don’t know whenever you get caught lacking.

Obviously, you’re so proud of your statements that you run away when they get disproven and then try to mock people behind your Checks Grey parses, nice.

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