So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Then you’re trolling like I said.

Are you getting confused again? Should I slow down? For someone who is quick to label someone as a troll, you seem to have issues with understanding the very concept of trolling.

Sarcasm isn’t trolling.

But advertising FF XIV relentlessly is spamming. And it’s annoying. If I wanted to hear all about boring game with cat ears, I’d go to the SquareEnix forums.

Depends on how you use it. Using it to get a rise out of someone you’re actively pushing back against would be considered inflammatory and extraneous, which is the very definition of what trolling is. Context matters.

I’m not spamming FFXIV. I’m talking about it context to WoW and am constructing my feedback for WoW around it. It’s certainly more valid than infiltrating every thread to talk down to people who are upset about the changes being made.

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Accussing others of trolling is trolling my friend. It’s also harassment if it’s repeated.

Sure you aren’t.

This is what you’ve done to me in every thread so I guess this is basically an admission of guilt.

I’m glad we could come to this conclusion.

Yeah, after you start just spam replying me with nonsense accusations of trolling. What’s good for the goose. Reaping what you sow. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it.

Etc… I see you replying again. Just ignore me dude. I’m not gonna read it.

I mean, I’m fine with you accusing me of whatever you want. I’m not phased by it. I’m just pointing out the fallacy in your logic.

You are, by self-admission, a troll despite saying that you weren’t trolling.

You accused me of being a Shill for Blizzard in one of our very first interactions dude. Conveniently, you swapped toons so everyone on the forums would forget who you actually are.

And now we’re done.

This didn’t age well and its been less than a minute.

Thats what I was trying to tell them but heh the non raider def knows more about raid grinds than raiders.

It’s Rudly, what do you expect. His whole shtick is gaslighting people.

Well yeah. I pointed out who he was because hes a known troll and then he tried to claim I was doing the same thing.

Going from Snozh to Snozy is def me trying to hide rofl


Noticing a trend with you pulling this out when you have nothing actually substantive left to say. It must really upset you that I’m able to dismantle your logic so easily.

FYI: There is an ignore button if my presence is that triggering for you. I hold nothing against you for utilizing it.

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I am not advocating the death of group instanced content. I am advocating for meaningful progression and rewards outside of that kind of play.

I am leveling a DK alt through SL right now. There is ZERO sense of progression as I level. I did fine at 50-51 as long as I was careful, but then started dying to mobs at 52-53. I’m talking dying a dozen times in a play session. How is that fun? I am just doing quests and mobs overwhelm me over and over. All I want to do is quest and level and feel like I am getting stronger over time. I feel the opposite. That’s a problem. There are tons of players who like to do what I enjoy but Blizzard’s slavish devotion to instanced group content and how they have handled scaling has broken the game for casuals like me.

Having cool-looking rewards and a real sense of progression for those who don’t do much, if any, instanced content won’t ruin things for raiders or M+ players.


Grinding out a rep is not standing still. Horrific visions were not standing still. VoA/TB were not standing still. Legion legendaries which everyone got, were not standing still. MoP/BFA cloaks everyone got, again, not standing still. Even your crafted legendaries we all got… you guesssed it… .not standing still.

The game has always thrown at least a few BiS slots at all players regardless of difficulty.

ZM gear (as grindy and boring as it was) - was powerful enough for most open world players, but not powerful enough to negate any progression raiding. The issue was that they decided to just flat out ignore it in S4.

A person starting through ZM in lfr gear vs. mythic gear may as well be playing a different game in terms of relative difficulty.

The rest of this paragraph makes no sense.

Torghast could have been the “challenging content” for solo players to do for some form of gear progression. It was a missed opportunity.

Interesting because when I brought up how CE also gets a mount, I get scolded that “loot matters”, “tougher content == better rewards”, “blah blah”. So where was the reward structure for Torghast then?


Torghast also had RNG powers that made the same supposed difficulty (floor/level) vary dramatically from run to run (for you or your peers).

Imagine running horrific visions where you randomly sometimes had double Twilight devestation 3 or double avoidant 1.

So the timers were very much unfair in there. The RNG nature of powers was a design choice that Blizzard made. So let’s chill on blaming the players.

But why do we need a timer? Raids do not have timers. A time limit doesn’t inherently make something difficult.


What are enrage timers? Raids absolutely have timers build into the encounter.


So a timer starts as soon as you enter the raid, or pull the first trash pack? Hour or two to clear, rush rush go? Extra loot if you clear it in time. Extra ‘raid score’ if done on time?

Did you know, enrage timers are not always an instant kill and can be tanked/immunitied/kited through exactly?

In fact, certain tanks and so forth even solo raid bosses through enrage timers. :thinking:


Your incessant bad faith arguments never cease to amaze me. I specifically said encounters have timers.

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Ironic given your response was quite bad faith from the start.

and they specifically said Raids do not have timers, you countered by talking about Enrage which isn’t even a timer. :3