So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Theres a difference between a passive grind and an active grind.

Even then thats 3 not 4 and none of them were required weekly.

And you couldn’t make it past the tutorial because it was too confusing for you

Lvl 10 character? Check
Low post count? Check
Some stupid name meant to trigger people? Check


This is the same conversation on the same topic thats being carried by the same 4 people on a different thread…

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Yes. Boring games are boring.

I can see I made the right choice too, if the hardest content is basically WoW’s AotC level raiding. Jeebus, easy mode game is easy mode.

Sorta was originally.

Not always.

Specific content, especially at specific levels.

Always ironic lol.

10-12 hours a week on an activity in the normal word is considered excessive. I train Jiu Jitsu competitively and I go 5 times a week and still don’t train as much as you play WoW.

A person who practices a musical instrument every day for more than an hour a day would be practicing as much as you would need to get into school on a musical scholarship (something I have also done).

If you are doing something every single day for an hour or more you’re either an a professional or a serious hobbiest, and for a leisure activity like video games, you’re just an addict.

People have to stop normalizing these insane rationalizations - oh I’m just a normal guy spending all my free time addicted to this video game, I’m just a casual playing a game more than some people study for classes to become a doctor lol.


Maybe. Maybe not. Ultimate doesn’t require multiple grinds to do. WoW does. We can never say for certain.

Could also just be the fact that ultimates are more fun than mythic raids.

If you have to do anything intentionally, it’s a grind. I have to intentionally do Torghast. I have to intentionally do renown. I have to intentionally grind conduits.

There was once a point in time where you just had to gear in WoW. That was literally it. Now it’s a layered grindfest.

Boring? Then why am I and many others still playing it.


I am literally telling you that you dont have to intentionally grind renown.

So now you are at 2 from 3 and never were at 4 like you claimed

I’m not gonna judge your (poor) taste in games.

Lots of people play The Sims too.

I mean you couldn’t if you wanted to anyway.

Souls quest, 1k Anima quest, Campaign until there wasn’t a campaign. No grinding was involved in Renown.

SL was actually a pretty Raid Logging friendly expansion. I don’t think anyone was complaining about the actual systems requiring grinding, outside early Soul Ash.

I don’t think it’s about free loot. I think it’s about having two means to getting better gear.

Fast Way: M+

Long Way: Grind the bajebus via rep, turn ins and what have you.

People who don’t/can’t M+ still like gear to help kill the mobs they encounter faster than with what little WQ/Quest/Crafted capped gear does. Remember the reputation system that gave good before before you out leveled it before even earning it?

Doing a raid should require nothing other than being geared. That’s how it works for just about any other game and that’s how it worked in WoW at one point. Get the gear, do the content. I shouldn’t have to play content that should be irrelevant to raiding to raid. This is literally the problem with WoW lmao

So yes, I have to intentionally do it.

“I’m a l33t gam3r because I mythic raid and you’re a lowly casual who likes Sims.”

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I mean no, I just don’t like Candy Crush and Hello Kitty Adventure (aka, FF XIV). If those are what you like, I won’t judge your (poor) taste in games.

But I will judge the fact you guys keep paying 15$/month for a game you all obviously hate.

Honey, I get that you’re trolling here, but here’s some advice:

You cannot tell someone that you aren’t judging their taste in games while inserting (poor) into that statement.

I don’t hate WoW. Been playing since close to its release. I want it to be better.

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I’ve never understood why someone would want to do old content scaled up pretending it’s like it was when people first killed it. Seems lame as hell. Give me new content not that dusty old garbage.

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I’m not, your taste in games is bad and the fact you pay money to promote it on Blizzard’s forums is even worse.

Protip: If FFXIV did ‘season’ cycles and kept achievements gated for doing them when they’re ‘current’ then their Ultimates would have a lower completion ratio than Cutting Edge, especially given Ultimates even as EVERGREEN content for specific encounters have less than half completion of AOTC. :3

Also: See WoW ‘pros’ trying to complete ultimates.

Another thing to look at, is WoW achievements are mostly tracked by those that SIGN UP for Wowhead profiles and upload which chars to track which is probably a smaller amount of players than those that post on WoW forums.


So you are judging then.

Pick a lane, chief.

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Of course I’m judging. Was the sarcasm not dripping thick enough ?