So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Lmao, you are out of your mind. What percent of FF players can complete Ultimites?

If Echo, one of WoW’s best raiding guilds, finds the latest FFXIV Ultimate to be difficult, then where do you think that would leave people like you?


Anything can be “difficult” if you are used to one thing and switch over to something different. Does Echo walk around saying Mythic raid is easy? Him saying Ultimate is difficult doesn’t mean anything unless he says it’s specifically more difficult than what WoW has to offer.

I also like how you answered my question with another question. A classic evasive tactic. Give me numbers and stats.

What percent of FF players can complete Ultimates?

Less than 10% of the playerbase have completed all fights. And less than 2% of players have the title from the newest Ultimate. Though I’m not sure why that’s important, since high-end content is not supposed to be for everyone. Ultimates are for people who like that level of difficulty. They were not added to the game for the average player’s enjoyment.



Where are you getting these numbers from? Sounds like something you pulled out of thin air.

The best I could find was:

If you check in [lalachievements] for title and achievement rarities, you’ll see that the titles The Legend, the Perfect Legend, and the Ultimate Legend are owned by 6.8%, 8.6% and 8.9% of all players in their database. There of course is an overlap, but there’s also the case of players who don’t have more than 1 ultimate cleared; so the numbers for “players that have cleared ultimate at all” could range from as few as 8.9% to as much as 22.3%.

Currently, 16% have Ultimate Legend Achievement.

To be fair, they also found refraining from sexual harassment, abuse, and not covering it up difficult. And I dont.

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There’s nothing wrong with using another game as a comparison to highlight what WoW does wrong.

High-end WoW players are allergic to criticism I s2g lmao


Nah, just tired of the constant FF advertisements on the forums. Its not a one time thing.

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Then tell Blizzard to do better and we won’t have this problem.

“Blizzard, do better so I dont have to deal with the horrible FF community”

Um. Ok.


Lmao are you seriously sock-puppet self-liking your own posts with not 1, but 3 alts?

That’s pretty pathetic that you feel the need to be well received that much.


Hey Blizzard, can you ban all these obvious FF XIV spam accounts ? Do better please.

If that’s how you want to paint it, then sure.

But the fact is that Blizzard is falling behind in modern game design. Competition begets competition, and the next best game (if not equal) is FFXIV in terms of game design. It makes sense to compare it.

Sorry, I forgot that talking about FFXIV upsets you since, despite your stature as a mythic raider in WoW, you couldn’t even follow basic instructions in FFXIV and ended up spending 2 hours inside the first city doing optional tutorials.

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Oops did you post on your sock puppet instead of your forum troll by accident?


You have these two in seperate categories but I fit in both. The first one to a moderate degree and the second I exactly fit in.

Dang you’re still so salty you got caught doing this previously that you removed your alts from check-pvp and everything and you go after others for doing it lol.

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This is a WoW forum sir.

Don’t make stuff up, I have never been caught sock puppeting because I don’t sock puppet.

This is my main and I have 2 other toons I barely play. Woodenigloo the lock and Woodenigloo the druid.

It sure is, and it’s also meant for feedback.

Pointing out what another game does well in context to what WoW could do better is therefore feedback.