So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

And killing the same 8 bosses 17 times isn’t. More like your content is for the easily entertained neck beard that gets their reason for existence from a video game.

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Maybe you should learn what a casual actually is.

Dumbed down games for bad players makes the game unfun. See WoD as an example.

Not mine or anyone elses fault you are bad at the game.

Shadowlands was more casual friendly than Wrath.

WoD the game that screwed casuals out of tier in raid finder so was cut short?

Like I said you get your reason for existence from a video game… sad very sad.

Easily entertained neck beard.

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I agree and no one played shadowlands because of

The story sucked
Sexual harassment

So shadowlands is not a very good example.

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WotLK was also a horrible story.

The sexual harassment happened during the WotLK time line.

And what xpac did it become common knowledge?

Sexual harassment is ok, as long as we dont know about it.


The devs and management from WotLK need to return.

I am not even sure what to think about that. Who said that?

You are a piece of work

Look man.

You are the one that deflected from my statement to bring up the sexual harassment coming out during SL.

So I just figured you didn’t want to actually talk about anything and just make up stuff.

Careful now, there’s some elitists out there that think players who craft and sell things aren’t interacting with anyone else, not to mention the game itself.

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Complex thought must be hard for you.

You suggest the solo content was not played in shadowlands… LoOk yOu Had it HerE and YoU diDnt PlaY iT. Hardly anyone played shadowland because of the sexual harassment.

You are a piece of work

This 1% stuff is nonsense. A lot more than 1% of the playerbase participates in raids, keys and pvp.

checks thread title

sees the same 6 people arguing in defense of their precious gear

Sounds about right.


The existence of Ultimates in FFXIV turns this entire argument on its head and shows how weak-minded some high-end WoW players actually are. In FFXIV, Ultimates are high-difficulty encounters that essentially consist of a 20+ minute gauntlet of boss fights. They are mechanically intense and exhausting to do. But there are people in FFXIV that LOVE doing Ultimates and do them over and over and over again—even when they no longer have anything else to earn from them. And guess what the rewards are? A nice-looking weapon and a title. That’s it. People don’t run the content for gear upgrades or a higher ilvl. They do it for the cool weapon appearances and the simple challenge and prestige of it.

If Blizz were to offer high ilvl gear outside of raiding, there would absolutely still be people completing raids. Why? Because they like the challenge and enjoy participating in that specific type of content. As long as the content itself is fun, engaging, offers a healthy challenge, and provides some rewards (achievements, mounts, transmog), people will do that content. And honestly? People like that have been and always will be the true raiders. The bozos on the forums that constantly complain about how the “casuals” are coming for their precious gear are just scrubs.


Uh-huh. Sure. How many people doing this “over/over/over/overagain” which already received those rewards? How many people doign mage tower after completed all of them on all toons? I bet less than 1% of those who bLizZarDs PanDeRs to™

Also FF might be boring at the end game or it’s completely different game from WoW and there are other means to entertain than here. WoW was always about gear race and mythic first kills (which also a gear race from getting heroics nonstop). When you done and got all the rewards for what reason you need to do it again each week? Only if you don’t have anything else to do.

It’s already been discussed a while ago. FF’s Ultimates are not on the same difficulty level as WoW’s Mythic Raid or high M+ end-game content.

For FF14, that is. Meaning it’s a 6-crayon coloring book instead of the usual 4 crayons.

You’re right. It’s above any difficulty that WoW offers.

That’s rich coming from someone who has admittedly never done FFXIV Ultimates.


You know what else I don’t do?

I don’t go to the FF14 forums talking about how great WoW is.

I also don’t subscribe to a game year after year and then complain about how much I’ve always hated it.

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