So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

what is this post even about? are you saying that you don’t have enough things to do for the few hours you have ? because you do or that you cannot reach the level that others do and you get FOMO?

What you ask for has already and still is in game.

Now you’re saying it’s boring.

Proving what we’ve been saying all along. You just want free 311s for afking.

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LoL you have obviously read nothing that I have previously typed in the thread! So easy to lump anybody that says they are a casual player and not a 1% into a simple group of “I’m Entitled to it.” Let me help you so you do not have to actually scroll:

All this sometimes makes me wonder if the phrases “You don’t need it” and “you don’t deserve it” actually mean “I feel threatened.”


I did.

I told you : what you are asking for has either already been done or is still being done.

No, it’s you don’t deserve it.

You don’t have a Mad World Feat of Strength. AKA : when they gave you soloable 470 gear, you didn’t even do it.

Every time they’ve tried it, people complain it’s too hard.

Remember northeastern Suramar? The Maw? Or the shadow realm in Korthia? In each case, constant, repeated complaints from ‘casual’ players that “this is too hard and is only for the 1%”.

And their nerf campaigns are often successful. See 9.0 Torghast, for example.

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wonder why lol because the people that raid and such get higher ilvl so it’s easier/normalized for them and them alone.

Since it’s about gear and not skill, still. I’m aware that the raiders and M+ runners think gear = skill, though.

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I’ll probably be leveling, seeing how casual pvp is, and unsubbing pretty quick. I’m having fun with my wrath classic characters so it’s w/e.

The company is made up of 2 types of people when it comes to the game. The people who don’t play their own game and marketing teams.

They are clueless and only promise stuff for marketing and then reverse it later once they believe they have tricked you onto their stupid boring treadmill.

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You can make a sure bet on one thing, if things were looking good for the game, they wouldn’t have completely scrapped their stupid systems and tried to revamp the talents and classes to an earlier design.

This is the biggest cope excuse of all time. Lol You don’t need to play WoW 70 hours a week to do content.

The harm is to give people something they want for free. Thus negating necessity to go and do HARD things, rendering them obsolete.
If raiders would get the same gear by just standing still they would do so. Cause humans don’t like to spend energy and nerves on wrecking boss tactics. Yes. you do it once, win. Then what? There will be literally no point to go raids or dungeons except maybe for tmogs.

I have no idea what second game do you play. Today I spent my whole day for gym, ONE M+ and time left for achievements and world stuff that I don’t want to be challenging as M+. I still have done only 1 mage tower cause I just not good enough for SUCH hard PvE content of a classes/specs that I never played before. Open world doesn’t require to be challenging for M+ gear. tis just a bonus that I’m in 293 gear can stand against some rare mobs in Zereth which usually require group. But that is what it is — reward for doing hard work. And returning to your first question: this feeling would be degraded or nonexistant, cause I would get the gear from random WQ that I spent literally 10 minutes to complete.

I agree Torghast was lackluster. I expected it to be some sort of fun times with loot at the end. But there was almost nothing to it especially when you completed your bis leges. But I do not see how is it aplicable here. You still need to finish torghast 8 levels to get a mount which is HARD to do. Do we need to give this mount to people that just TRIED the same amount of time in this chambers so they would not feel that they pay for diFfEreNt gAmE?

Sounds like people think if the content is not for them, it must be for the 1%, yet no one thinks that boring, easy content is also for the 1%, the 1% of bad and lazy players that think they are in the majority.

I can remember the cries to nerf Cata heroics, I did not find them that hard, but they were not the zergfest that people thought dungeons should be, they took knowing mechanics and stopping to think or plan, as a frontline general would. So are the complaints about difficulty really about difficulty or about the fact you just can’t go in, blow everything away, and walk out with whatever rewards the content provides?

There is always that balance point there, where it is not impossible for anyone that puts forth even the smallest bit of actual effort or uses their brain yet not mind-numbingly easy for those with gear.

Taking the maw as an example, I usually found it easy, the only issue I had with it was when the quests were set to be group quests, but then I actually listened to Ve’nari and treated as a get in, get what I needed done, and get out.

Sounds like you can’t understand proper tuning

Originally, it did.

But it also had a timer, just like Horrific Visions. It was the same design model.

Then a ton of people screamed and hollered about Torghast having a time limit. And they said, by golly, if they wanted to wait 10 minutes between every trash pull so they could have 100% bloodlust and make it a 5-hour experience, who the hell was Blizzard to stand in their way!?!?!?!

(And I’m not making that up. That’s actually something a lot of people said.)

So Blizzard caved in, and removed the Torghast timer. And the loot went with it, of course, since it was no longer following the Horrific Visions model.

If you’re upset about Torghast not following the Horrific Visions model, blame obnoxiously loud lazy terrible players. They’re the ones at fault. (And I normally don’t throw around such descriptive language. But in this case? It’s totally warranted.)


What does this even have to do with tuning. WoW has always worked this way.

Harder content = better gear.

Did you just start playing?

HMMMM another post about people not liking m+ HMMMMMMM

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I would have left the timer in, but made it clear that doing the 5 hour runs would mean they get either the worst gear for the content OR gear that looked good but was worthless in any content.

I play solo and sure i want the best loot possible but they have not nerfed overland gear in Dragonflight because there is no Dragonflight yet. What happens in beta is not a given. They could flood us with high ilvl gear or they could take it all away at this point and we ourselves have never had it to begin with.

Am i going to grind for a year for a piece of gear? No, not at all so hopefully that won’t be an issue or these events will be treated the same way I treated Torghast… ran it a few times then said nah, you can have this crap back. So I kinda do believe they will again make content no one wants to play but I’m saving my opinion until we actually see what the content is and how its done.


Sounds like you can’t comprehend that solo content is braindead easy and shouldn’t eve award normal gear.

Yeah, it’s been that way since the beginning and almost 9 million people have quit since the peak in wrath.

Maybe you should expand your thoughts on the topic of casuals.

If a game is good for casuals its good for the high end.