So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

What are you even talking about, just do you weekly 15 or 20 and then log off.

Other games exist where they will treat their player base with more respect and dignity regarding your time and money. If you want to be heard, then you know what to do.


Yes, especially respect your money. Your sweet sweet money you spend in their store.

Exactly. This is what Blizz capitalizes on. I’ve never cared about what other people have or what other people are doing be ause if I want it, I’ll get it eventually

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It’s actually not though. Literally qued jungle on a feral in blues and would not die against multiple ret/warrior/healer comps.

Gear is an excuse.

the thing as the experience will be friendly, remember that Shadowlands had this same problem in 8.0 and 8.1 and if it were not for the COVID problem, and the company scandals, it would not have given us an experience in completing each patch on time.

And now DF, the only thing I am saying is that he will only tell us when the expansion arrives after Nov 28 because the alpha and beta and the PTR’s gamers that he is experiencing are not relevant at all for when the true experience is for everyone at the end of the expansion.

i’m just teasing you friend, i hope to see lots of customizations (armors & saddles) for casual/open world players too

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??? What are you talking about.

the obvious. youre gonna have to specify what makes you question it.

As someone that used to be a Dungeon runner, into PvP and Raider all I do now is world content. I enjoy doing the story, the daily’s, the tasks and the quests. I don’t mind having to do hard world content that rewards something that is useful to the character I am playing. What is frustrating is this constant back and forth I see in the forums about people that just want something more. To show some progress.

Everyone talks about how Dungeons, PvP and Raiding reward the best gear but how did those people get to the level? Obviously, Dungeon runners and PvP players can level up in that content, but did Raiders get there without leveling up in raids? Imagine if your gear only reflected the content, you play and was sub-par in the other content as if you were a level 1 player until you leveled up in that content.

Besides being a logistical nightmare to code, maybe the best idea is just removed statistics from gear and gear is just that, clothing you wear that adds pure armor rating. Would definitely level the playing field and move people to be mindful of the things that they fight.

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newflash, the game is getting worse as they try to cater to people that casually don’t actually play the game.

The balance would be that casuals could farm gear over time (say like being able to trade up a piece of LFR gear with a currency farmed in WQ’s) and can eventually catch up to raid gear but at a much slower pace than Mythic players can get. So realistically by the time a casual catches up, the next patch is practically dropping so raiders etc can keep their sense of status and casuals don;t feel like they are left behind. (also having better gear may convince some players to dabble in harder content and maybe they’ll find they enjoy it so you have a bigger pool of players to raid with)
win win

except for those that care too much how others play or what gear they have but they don’t count


Hahaha. It’s like demanding equal pay for equal time at work.
Why janitor should be payed as much as a Director of Finance if they both work 8 hours a day? Listen to yourself lol.

We pay for a game that designed to be unlocked 100% if you insert a SKILL and time. not just TIME.
This is RPG/MMO games at their core. But also

This is just hilarious. So you want to sit in the game for 10 hours sipping coffee and get same gear as mythic raiders get in 10 hours of their struggles?

The entitlement is astonishing.

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Maybe some outdoor-only power progression, where your character can kill mobs more easily when you have a lot of world content done. Exactly like the consoles on ZM and the pocopoc upgrades.

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the Storm Sigil gear will have a open world set effect.

80 -20 rule , if the 80 stop paying then the 20 won’t feel the dophamine effect anymore and it end up like wildstar where world first is among 10 guilds and nobody give them any attention :rofl:

Except WoW only offers that reward through group play and raids.

Not everyone wants to be a meta slaving group player or raider for the only meaningful rewards.

Which is why you’ll always see push back.

Why should only a small sect of the player base have access to all the content? Just to stroke their egos? Lord their power over everyone else?

Blizzard is just going to upset people more in general, since they only seem interested in keeping players of the 1% happy.


I feel like the best solution both sides could agree on is to make outdoor content harder, which turn would require higher ilevel.

It’s probably much more simplier than we’re making it.

That being, that Blizzard has nothing else ready for us to do so they’ve deliberately strung out the content in an attempt to keep players occupied.

Like cutting up a months worth of content to last 6 months…or whenever the next major content patch hits.

for 17 years, progression in wow has been challenging group content in instances. Tens of thousands of players (perhaps hundreds) remain subscribed only because of the social groups they are part of that come together to take down bosses and run Arena / BGs. Giving solo players comparable rewards will trivialise group players’ rewards and drive a stake in group content which has always been the core of the game. And there’s no counting on solo players who have no attachment to groups or friends in wow to remain subscribed.

Doesn’t make any sense to me.

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