So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

I don’t run with the pack, yet I seldom feel I am left behind. Maybe the issue is more people see what others have and care too much about such instead of being happy with what they have, or can work towards, while having a look at what they have a chance to get.

The game has a sickening level of catch-up gear in it. It’s so bad that people are practically encouraged to quit the game and resub later, at which point they’re showered with freebies.

If anything, Blizzard seems to consider loyal customers who stick around and play the game to be suckers.

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No, worse, their ideal customer is the one that pays the sub but does not play.

Catchup should get you into normal, not out-gear normal.

I don’t even disagree with that necessarily, but again we get back to my original point of the very people proclaiming they don’t care about gear, that they don’t play for power, or to be optimal are the same people who were decrying that Torghast’s difficulty was gatekeeping them from their legendary. So the conclusion I continue to draw after years of seeing the same kind of behavior is that every single person that plays this game DOES care about power, but if that power comes from challenging content they would rather complain on the forums than actually try and complete said content.

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More or less agreed, just with a stipulation that after the catch up is done, one can go a bit farther to make up for being slow or late to the party. In this case, it should be like normal end boss (or maybe mid normal for DF). The out gear should only happen when the patch cycle is about to move to the next patch.

Were they, or was it another case of due to the broad terminology, the ones that were claiming they don’t care about gear or power really don’t but since they claim the “casual label” along with those that were decrying the difficulty, the 2 got lumped together.

Not saying you are wrong, just trying to point out that too many think it is a black and white issue and there is a LOT of gray area.

it’s quite possible you cannot read "Newsflash, the 1% aren’t keeping your game alive. It’s the casuals that keep this game on life support.

Here’s who will have stuff to do in DF:

hardcore PvPers
hardcore raiders/m+ who are already in a good guild

If you are either:

casual player who enjoys open world content
adult with a job/family who doesn’t play 10 hours a day
solo player

then there is NO room for you in Dragonflight. Blizzard insists on pushing their sad “esports” agenda and couldn’t care less about casual gameplay. The recent nerf to open world progression confirms that they have learned absolutely nothing.

They actually literally do not know their playerbase or target audience."
no where does it state the OP wants or needs or requests FREE GEAR. no where. Open World Content does not translate to free gear. it clearly states content.

try to stop reading into casual posts as being “all they want is free stuff/gear”


Agreed for sure

That is correct

So what makes you think that there is no content for people outside these groups? Are casual players blocked from doing end game content? Are casual players blocked from leveling, questing, doing outdoor content, collecting, farming, anything? Or are you just creating a problem where none exists?

Weird how I fit in all the categories in your list, and yet I see a lot of interesting stuff to do… Funny how every content I enjoy is not only present in DF but seems very accessible. What makes you think that these players won’t have anything to do?

And you can ignore their esports push just like almost all other players. No one cares about wow esports.

What makes you think that? What part of the gameplay experience is bothering you so much? All I can see is several gameplay improvements being made.

There is no such thing as “open world progression”. The open world has no challenge attached to it, it makes no sense to attach power to it. No casual player is unable to do open world content due to lack of gear. Gear is the power progression, and the main key for content that cares about gear.

Ok, so you think their player base are a bunch of claustrophobes that refuse to go inside an instances, and care a lot about the gear that drops from world quests…

Sorry, but for most players, world quest gear is not part of the progression, it is just a way for alts to catch up, to fill in slots that haven’t dropped yet, to get gear for offspecs that were being ignored, and things like that. It is a complementary loot system, just like crafted gear.

If a player reaches max level and has no intention of engaging in instanced content, they will probably just quit and wait for the next patch. However the vast majority of players do engage with the end game systems, they do pvp, they do M+, and they pug raids until they get bored and stop.

The only difference is that the hardcore players don’t stop at +5 or normal raids, and keep going to heroic, mythic and +15s.

The picture you created in your mind of what the player base cares about is completely disconnected from the reality.

it’s kinda impressive how an OP that said essentially nothing and just made vague statements got so much attention.

I’m not sure if that’s indicative of an actual problem, or if people just like to join angrymobs. With these forums that’s always hard to tell.

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Because you clearly don’t understand how gear progression works in this game.

Harder content awards better gear.

World content is not anywhere close to the difficulty of awarding higher than normal raid gear. Be thankful you can grind that high.

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It’s a couple of bad players pretending to be casuals that are either very bad at the game or don’t even play the game making a stink about gear they feel entitled too.

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How are you defining hardcore pvper, because casual players who do unrated pvp are going to be fine and there are A LOT of players who do unrated bgs

Even the saddles will have color variations that you will have to earn. And with so many customization options being available, what is “best” is going to be highly subjective. There will be plenty of cool options to earn outside of raiding, PvP, and Mythic±–which is a good thing imo.


idk the game was at its peak population when it was much less casual friendly than what we got today.

never know :wink:

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I would honestly like to see the end verdict to retail WoW, I don’t think it will last cause ppl are leaving and will continue to leave as long as nothing is done. but you have major shills who continue to support them. so the only decision that will end up happening is I think retail dying they will not keep the lights on for those remaining.

I’m not saying to throw gear at casuals, I think what’s rewarded now is more than fine. What I’m saying is to bring the ilvl gap down to what it once was with much smaller increases with each tier (and potentially fewer tiers). Players don’t need a huge ilvl advantage if they’re actually skilled. Players in top end gear winning by default through sheer power differences is entirely unnecessary.

That’s why I mentioned the much smaller power gap that existed for the majority of Vanilla. Some of the best old PvP videos were made by players who were actually good (for the time) with mediocre gear clowning on raiders who were decked out in tier but not actually that good. That’s outright impossible in current WoW and it shouldn’t be.


You’re wrong. I’m a casual and will be just fine.

I feel you’re quite over representing Argent Dawn scourgestone farming that had almost no rewards and Silithus Twilight Cultist boss summons that also had almost no rewards.

Dailies and badge gear not unlike Mechagon/Korthia/ZM/Timeless Isle. Still exists.

Same as above, still in game. Epic Battleground.

You keep repeating the same thing over and over again. Notice it’s also all stuff that came in later patches, not the initial expansion release.

DF is going to have that stuff. For patch 10.0, it’s going to be called Primalist Invasions.