So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

As long as I can craft high level gear if not for myself but for others the coming expansion, I can be happy with this.

Also I say for others since if I need to do higher difficulty raids and such for mats for the gear then I would have to rely on others for the mats. However as long as I can trade the mats for the gear to the player who got the mats I am more than happy crafting it for them.

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The person is also on a low level alt, which tells me they are either trolling or afraid of being called out.

So sure, they might be asking for gear, but they could just be doing such to set the elitists off.

Content should match the following criteria:
it is fun
it feels rewarding
It is interesting and/or challenging
People are willing to make time to do it without feeling forced

What I see is the ones complaining think the content does not meet one or more of those criteria, and for them it might not, but that might be on them more then Blizzard.

I’ll just reiterate, if you need something to have fun, I.E. gear or to “win” then don’t bother playing, if you can have fun and getting the gear or “winning” is an effect of that, then by all means, play your heart out.

You didn’t get gear because people demanded that the timer be removed, so it wasn’t like Horrific Visions anymore.

People need to understand that when they FREAK OUT and demand that content gets nerfed, the rewards will also get nerfed.

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And I was one of those for, not removing the timer, just making it a factor, Like I wanted to be able to take my time on each floor, but be able to make up the slower speed with a annellation of the mobs, a full map, found secrets/treasures, etc.

Agreed, people that call for nerfs then cry when they run out of content, or progression, need to look in the mirror for why it happened.

Note, I am not a fan of timers being the be all, end all, or only factor used to determine rewards or whatever, but I do think it needs to be used for a score set up where lacking in one can be made up for in another. This I base on games with a grading system, like most of the later sonic games, where you get a grade based on things like time, enemies defeated, things collected, etc.

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the best ones are going to come from content you apply yourself in…

not the default barbershop ones - but enjoy your saddle! As long as the colors are right, that’s all i care about :100:

Man, if it’s only 1% of players who do more than world quests and dailies, the game’s population must be a lot higher than I thought.

Or maybe the OP is just full of it. Idk. Tough call.

We could also argue that torghast indirectly gave you gear, in the form of legendaries.

Man, if those 2 groups are only 1% of active players, the game isn’t in trouble at all.

I don’t think they know what that is.

And people still complained about being forced to do it.

Because if you cared about your character’s performance, you were forced to do it until 9.2. Legendaries are a significant amount of power, and there was no other way to get the mats to craft them in a reasonable amount of time until the vendor bag was added.

Because legendaries were mandatory.

Which just leads me to the idea that the legendaries should have required the nerfed version, but a version with a timer should have also been included for those who wanted to do more then what was needed for the legendaries.

Also, I don’t buy the mandatory, as much as it was something people were expected to have.

They did add a side version of torghast at launch, but they chose to make the reward a mount, title, transmog, and a pet, instead of gear.

Not everything has to reward gear.


It’s designed to sell tokens. I have no opinion about tokens either way but , token sales are what’s keeping WoW alive.


True, but it was just a longer version of the other versions, no timer or anything else. As far as gear? I would have just wanted it to drop gear to meet the next recommended ilvl, no more.

True, but unless it does, people will not even try it as they are blinded by gear. This is the crux of the issue, too many equate getting gear with fun. I find getting mogs, mounts, pets and toys fun, gear is just a side effect of doing that, or I need to get it to push closer to the rewards I am actually after.

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That’s right, Blizzard’s business model depends on most of their players being so bad at the game that they have to pay other people to play it for them.

Give me a break…

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Why would they remove all rating gates in PvP and make BiS gear available to anyone that even just does random BGs if they were really that reliant on token sales to fund carries? For that matter, why did they change the gearing system in PvP from SL s1 to s2 which reduced the number of carries in PvP by an extreme amount if they were that dependent on tokens?

Doesn’t make much sense.

Wow tokens are a benefit, but that’s because the result is someone paying $20/month for the sub instead of $15-12.

It’s not about being bad at the game but if you don’t run w the pack at the beginning, then you feel as though you’ve been left behind. Blizz has supported this general feeling w their stupid systems and fomo items. Boosters give boostees a chance to catch up, or feel as though they have.