So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

But what I’m telling you is, people don’t actually want that. I know you might, and that’s great. But the people yelling about it on GD actually want is top of the line gear for literally afking in Goldshire.

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Doesn’t matter how much anyone pays, the game treats everyone the same. Opportunities are there, if you want things but won’t or can’t do what’s involved in getting them, that’s on you.

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Eh, then maybe they need a “fools gold” version of said gear for these people, easy as all to get, but only really useful for looking pretty.

One of my ideas for those complaining about not getting the slime cat in LFR was giving LFR a poo colored version, so they still had something but people would still know they took the easy way out for the model.

But it does matter how much everyone pays.

Anyone’s time is valuable

Once again do you pay more for your sub? What makes you more important than the guy who just does open world content?


You’re far from the poster boy for this game dude.


I AM the guy who does open world content.

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Nothing. But the rewards are just as accessible to you as they are to me. The difference is you don’t wanna actually play the part of the game that rewards them.

So you do not get access.

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You’re not the only guy, not everyone enjoys the same things that you do. Just because you don’t care about gear doesn’t mean everyone else who plays this game has the same opinion as you. You act like some kind of one true open world player elitist because you don’t care about gear.

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As am I, and most I would want is the ability to complement or supplement the gear I get from dungeons and raids with world/solo content while chasing the pets/mounts/titles/etc.

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So, you think your time is worth nothing. If you do open world content for 4 hours and someone raids for 4 hours… see my problem

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How would it hurt YOU if casuals got the same gear. How would that change YOUR gameplay?

It doesn’t you just want to be a special snowflake.

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this is not like the old wow where raids takes hrs to finish
most of the time 1-3 hrs tops

and most guilds do raids on weekends

Exactly. This means the people who don’t raid are actively choosing not to raid. Like me, I raided high end in the past, but I just no longer want to do it. I’ve already experienced it before, I’m good. There is less of a time invest in doing it than ever before but I still actively choose not to do it.

The raid or die design mentality is obsolete and dated.


i agree
thats why i do lfr for the story and some gear
the raid or die is what might hurt wow the most


Moral of the story is that if you keep giving a faceless company money then don’t expect anything less than watered down content when making money is the ultimate objective of that faceless company.

Raid or die was when WoW was the most popular.


Seeing some people bring up the Slime Cat, and, well. The problem with comparing this to the Slime Cat is that the kitty is very easy to get.

I have brought two friends to WoW - they have never stepped foot into a raid or even understand the fully scope of their rotation. Got that achievement in the bag just this last week.

Which highlights the fundamental problem with these discussions: You get what you go for. Hell, one of them also just got KSM. They have maybe a month invested in this game. There’s barely a case for the PvP elite armors anymore now that Mythic (which becomes a trivial farm when the expansion ends) shares its models.

SL dumped a ton of really cool cosmetics into the game that will keep people farming and rep grinding for expansions to come, and they need to keep doing that in future. The items actually being removed or gated are such a small crumb compared. It’s not bad to have special goodies for people who go above and beyond when there’s still so much more that will remain evergreen.

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Look at wrath. It’s booming in popularity and it is 100% raid or die.

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It’s definitely still the year 2008 and gaming trends and gamers’ tastes have definitely not changed at all.

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Cool, then go play Wrath for your raid or die design. And retail can be where we don’t have to deal with that. It’s a win/win for us both.

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