So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

At this point I hope they kill warcraft.

It is a complete failure on blizzards part not to make content for the MAJORITY of their customer base.

Long live FF14 I guess

Maybe ashes will be good


you mean all that mindless anima grinding for trash mogs, pets and mounts that arent appealing at all?

Stalker alert…

No, lass, I dont.
I want CONTENT. QUESTING. ADVENTURE in the WORLD, not being jammed into some stinking raid for two flipping years straight.
Its a huge world out there…FILL IT WITH STUFF TO DO that ISNT mindless anima grinds


Fair enough, which just tells me that, while some might want more interesting content for those rewards, a lot just suffer from sour grapes.

I think it might be time to start asking why they want gear, if it is to progress in content they can do solo (ala visions/torghast) then they should be able to get such, if it is to have a sense of progression, fine, if it is just because x has it and they don’t, it might be time for them to find another game.


As a #Casual I’ll have more to do in DF than I have in the past three expansions. No secondary power grinds = more time spent on alts slowly chewing through keys and raids.

Id personally rather have FAR more questlines to run and far less mindless eternal number grinds.

lmao…while the rest of you run the same raid week after week after week after week after week after week after…

hard pass.

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Again, what do you want?
What is ACTUALLY you want from WoW to be good for you? Free M+ loot? Like do some random 10 minutes WQ ten times and get the same loot and mounts as Mythic raid players? Why? Cause you want so and want to spare yourself from incredibly hard work others do?
Aren’t you just adorable and lazy?

People were whining about slime cat mount which I thought will be hard to obtain. But I just did it with pugs on third week. I don’t have active guild nor groups. I just went to normal fated raids with randos and got the cat (which isn’t even flying and no one using it at all).

i think there’s going to be plenty of questlines and casual activities in DF. So you’ll be okay…

as long as you’re okay with missing out on the best looking things, i think it’s a fair trade

remember, the high end players do more world content/collections than the scrubs, so it’s a win/win at the end of the day…with the top 1% having a few extra FOMO types of items



Do any of you even play the game? Seems like not.

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Oh please. Not a single person actually wants challenging open world content. Not mythic raiders, not pvpers and ESPECIALLY not casual “open-world” players. And we know this to be true because every single time blizzard has introduced something remotely challenging into the game that angles at the open world player, the complaints about difficulty are endless.

What these players are actually asking for, without saying it, is top end gear and mounts with minimal effort.


Agreed :+1:
So far Im loving beta as a dirty casual.
Lets see if Ion can NOT screw it up last second.


maybe they are just pushing the carry meta, given that some of the game developers are literal in-game carries and the company makes money off token sales.


yeah, I do…thats now I know about the trash anima grind that both Alpha and beta players warned about two years ago being just more AP-esque garbage grind

OK, so… you don’t actually know how Shadowlands rewards work, it seems.

Oh well.


I want what I paid for

Equal gear in equal time. Unless you pay more than me my opinion is just a valid as yours.

Do you pay more than me? Is your sub 30 dollars a month?


RPG’s have never been about ‘equal time’ though. The fundamental principle is that rewards should be commensurate to challenge.

If you don’t like that, then RPG’s aren’t for you.


Actually, if you read replies (lel impossible) on why certain things got complained about you’d know it has more to do with things either being poorly scaled, or made a ton easier with ‘better’ gear IE raiders and such getting it ‘easy mode’. Kinda like the mage tower re-run, and the original! Since gear level mattered more than anything else. So instead of giving people set stats with no way to cheese stuff they made it easier with ‘better’ gear.

So again, better gear prevails. Woops.

I’m sure the fire/Frost mage that mostly green parses would know all about that!

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That is not what you’re paying for lol. You’re paying for access to severs where the opportunity exists for you to put in time and effort to achieve whatever you want. You are entitled to nothing except that.


Uh, did I say the content had to be challenging? as I recall saying possibly challenging. My point was they wanted interesting content. An example of this for me would be like the dragonriding races, or even the invasions, both of them will likely be easy as all get out, once people get the hang of them, but there could be enough variation in them to keep them interesting.

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lmao…play ignorant all you want, Ion…we all know what a braindead pain anima was/is/has been


I don’t care about the past.

I care about now.

Equal gear in equal time.

Do you pay more than 15 dollars a month to play? Do you pay 30?