So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

It doesn’t, though.

Yea i dont think they care, they care about the esports, the races, the streamers, thats what makes money… questing and stuff donsent make any money

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That people actually believe in. Thus not trolling.

I feel some of you don’t actually know what trolling even means.

It’s cool, I knew you meant me :slight_smile: Get off that phone! :laughing:

I counted this before. In our everyday human world, there are like 130 independent currencies used. Either before, or shortly after Shadowlands hit, I counted about 90 separate currencies on this character.

That’s ridiculous.

They really need to condense some of this into either a few sets of badges / crystals / stones, or just do gold value for older sets.

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Like I said, if you want to believe it, be my guest, lol. You notice they aren’t replying much in their own topic.

Most people who get flamed to oblivion tend to disappear quietly. Very few double down on poorly received bad takes.

I don’t know I am the “casual” label people love using (very tired label that basically means nothing to what people thinks it does but whatever) , I play a lot of the game solo – and that’s 50% because I want to do things at my own pace and not be tied to anyone’s schedule and 50% because I’m too lazy to try and get in on a new clique of folks.

I keep myself content with playing the game, when it no long is fulfilling I take a break for a bit.

I only play 10 hours week usually , at certain times I will get a random mood to “really” play so i have the out of normal 20 hour play weeks here and there, but normally 10-12 is my average.

there’s nothing exciting about wow’s design and even the complain the OP makes is VERY TIRED – people have made that complaint a billion times over the history of the game , just like most complaints.

The game design is the game design – the irony is the complaint accuses Blizz of never changing, but I wonder if blizzard thinks "guy, this game is almost 20 years old now you don’t know our play model yet? Its raids, pvp, questing, dungeons (of an any level) and once in a while an expansion has a fun gimmick… that’s it. rinse repeat. "

Also 1% is overly harsh…more than 1% do mythic raids and high m+ keys or rated pvp game play. Maybe not a lot but I’m certain its far more than 1%…either that or there’s a WHOLE LOT of players on social media or these forums that are lying about their skill because every other person seems to act like they are masters at competitive content.

This is true. They have never wanted to know who their playerbase is and why and how they play the game. This would require a major research project to determine how best to retain as many customers as possible and attract new ones who will stay.

They think they do but they don’t. Even Ion stopped playing his own game, which was supposed to be for raid loggers, who hated the fact that they had to do rated PvP and endless chores.

Care to be more over dramatic. I work 45 hours a week, have a wife a child and another kid on the way. I still find time for things to do. If you cant handle playing the game go find a new one.

No, this is what you elitist dingbats claim so you don’t have to try and refute or debate with ones like the OP.

At the very least ones like the OP want interesting, possibly challenging, content for open world and solo players. The rewards can be mogs, pets, mounts, etc. Most are just not naïve enough to think that people will do it without some form of power progression.

What is more likely is if the content, and rewards, are put in, there is also a way to progress in the content that provides those rewards without needing to do other content, like how PvPers can stick with PvP and not touch PvE at the higher levels and still get what they are after.

There might or might not be a “war” on solo/wold content, but there does seem to be one on fun and interesting content that falls outside of raid, dungeon and PvP content. This war is tied to the idea that content should provide gear/power progression. It does not have to, but too many are blinded by gear/power progression to the point where if the content provides such, they feel forced to do it.

Maybe we just need more content that provides the progression for a minimum amount done, yet those who like it can push farther into it and enjoy it.


Yes because this is my main lol. See here you go again on a lowbie alt talking smack like none of us have other characters lol. You hide and talk smack cuz you suck. Yep they just drew his name out of a hat full of names of raiders. Moron.

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Tons of that in Shadowlands. The kind of people you’re talking about generally didn’t bother with it.

You look at the profiles of people saying “we need more content” and they haven’t done hardly any of the massive amounts of content in Shadowlands that give mogs, pets, mounts, toys, titles, etc.

They want gear. Period. END OF STORY.

We keep going over this over and over and over and over and over again, and it’s always the same.


Which is why I said:

Yes, but how many of those things require, or appear to require, gear from dungeons/raids to do?

Of course they want gear, no one denies that, but I am looking for more the reason they want the gear, using content provided in the past:
Legion Mage tower: they wanted gear to better accomplish the trials
Torghast: they might want gear to push farther into it

I am somewhat in both camps, so I might tend to see the requests for more content/better rewards under the light of there is content they want to do but feel like they can’t for some reason.

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Just got beta yesterday so makes sense I have not tried anything on there yet. This is not my first beta so I am in no rush.

I sacrifice 2 hours of sleep every night to play WoW, what have you given??

I think the point should be there needs to be more open world and casual content people can work on to progress characters in different ways than Raid/M+/Arena. It does not need to be easy, the mage tower is a great example of difficult content that solo / casual players can do. Torghast would have been amazing for it too if done properly.

I don’t think it’s all bad in DF though.

PvP casuals are not punished anymore with the gearing system.
Invasion events to get decent enough gear. 382 (Mid LFR item level), and 395 (mid normal raid item level).
World boss for a chance at 395 items.
Crafted gear.

The main problem I see is a lack of stuff to progress with after that. players who try can get 395 in a week or two with m+ raiding and PvP so it likely won’t even feel good to get at that item level for casuals.

My main problem with the current game is how many tiers of loot there is. The top end is too far away from the lower end. In the past more casual players who “finished gearing” where never so weak compared to the top end.

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Both very good points.
I didnt do much of either, but clearly a LOT of players who are more casual did want to be able to.

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It’s so baffling, to me because I tink WoW has SO MUCH content, I can’t keep up with it!

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i think casual players get a lot of access to rewards as is.

they’ll still get a bunch of ez mounts and gear - they’ll just be dragon riding on boring saddles, while the rest of us 1% get sleek armor to reflect that we put effort into the game


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