So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

This is the same thing as saying “a lot of people play WoW.”

No one is disputing the viewable and verifiable fact that a ton of people get out there and enjoy world content. I do it, it’s fun.

I do it also as a means to gear my character up to a comfortable ilvl to where I can begin an M+ grind to get me into raids which how world content is designed to work. It’s not a means for end progression. You can certainly use it that way, but don’t be surprised when you find that you finish your progression much faster than you would have by engaging in anything beyond introductory/catch up content.

No, seeing these types of complaints on the forums.

Show you who’s actually doing it. Hint : it’s people who raid and do M+ who are also out there. The “open world” players usually don’t even do the content that’s available.

Right and that would die off very quickly after you all get your ilvl if people didn’t enjoy it. So a couple posts from someone trying to drum up trouble isn’t hardly representative.

Not ironic at all given I wasn’t the one that made a bunch of claims about doing all this different stuff. I’m also not a US based poster, so it’s ironic you didn’t do any research before commenting especially -

Sure, let me see all these quest-boosting service- ah. Dang. Nope.

Ion isn’t a good game dev and wasn’t suited for the job, but was given the job because of being a literal player that did raids.

Ironic given your parses and lack of high end experience. <3

No I see them all the time. Most of them are trolls.

And like I told the other guy, if it were only you out there, that would die off quickly as you got your ilvl. It does not.

No it wouldn’t. People use it for alts. I’ve no way of proving this, but I suspect that nearly anyone you see on ZM is out there playing an alt.

I’m sure many do that. I do that and I play outdoor content.

Or they’re actually just entitled people who barely play the game and don’t even do the content that’s there and there’s plenty of them sitting idle in Stormwind.

I don’t think I’ve ever done world content for ilvl. I do it mostly for mog. Which is why you’ll see me in Primalist Invasions, even if I don’t need the gear.

Lots of people do this including geared people. But the posts here… heavily trolled.

Or they do, and you’re upset you’re not it?

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If they are geared, obviously they did the content.

Trolling implies the person doesn’t believe what they’re saying and are just riling up people.

I have 0 problem believing these people are in fact telling the truth about being this entitled to high ilvl gear in trivial content.

Yeah which doesn’t matter in the context of people sitting around in town.

1 million percent unforgivable!

As am I. It may not look like it, but I definitely am. Virtually every friend I’ve made in this game, started off with me being solo, and I guarantee that a hefty majority of players had the same beginning. You dive in head first, you get into trouble or find something cool, and others join you in said awesomeness. Usually, out in the open world, while you’re messing around (or running away from Mor’Ladim).

I agree that STAYING solo could be bad for the game. However, I disagree with the rest of your statement. The same can be said about adding group play in every aspect of a game. No human on Earth likes to feel that they’re being forced to do things; it’s one of our species’ defining traits. With respect to this game: exploring, leveling, gathering and pet battling aren’t instanced faire. They may be done solo, and to your point, they’re FAR more fun with others.

Crafting is solo faire, always has been. I may gather mats and do grinds with friends, but I craft solo. Usually after the dungeon runs and raiding are done for the night. It is quite relaxing and rewarding. Not ‘rewards’ as in transmogs and uber gear, it’s the inner feeling one may derive after completing a difficult dungeon run. Achievements in crafting is my KSM.

It gives meaning to your adventuring beyond ‘just loot’. It IS our RPG in the MMO. Again, I realize that there are few of us out there, but I assure you, we are out here, and just as passionate as everyone else on our mode of play.

This is a topic that will spin into a totally different animal, but that’s for another day :smiley: For now, we’ll have to agree to disagree, as I’ve yet to be convinced by any player to do M+ . The increasing difficulty is intriguing, everything else, particularly the attitudes I’ve witnessed in person, is absolutely unappealing.

I respect your stance on this, but again, see above. I’m here for more than gear, even when I’m making gear :smiley:

Good talk, dude. I’m really glad we both got our points of view out there.

Now, I must find a way for Blizzard to turn Seasons into actual seasons in-game. We should be sledding and snowball fighting on regular winter days. Red dragons should be complaining about the cold, and enjoying the summer. And our Holiday events have needed updating like six expansions ago.


Which happens often here and has always happened here. Look at the T Squad posts.

Hey you do you. If you want to believe that everyone is sincere and 100% on one of the most trolled forums, I’m not gonna stop you, lol.

I do think everyone should get some type and level of reward but the reward should be at what you do and tap out at that.

I raid in example and while I am not “hard core” I was enough to finish with a 292 ish item level see all content and push my heals to be one of my guilds great healers. anything after a certain level of gear is really such a tiny percent it is for ego points more then anything.

My wife is item level 278 - She barely raided and just did what she had at hand for her to do and enjoyed every second of it, she knows she is not a raider so if he had ways to “pinch out” a bit more gear she did but she was never upset or angry about it. We play together and enjoy what we do outside of raiding/end game content.

The problem seems to be is that not only does a casual player think “kill 3 boars, get hard GIMMIE MAX LEVEL GEAR” is a good idea (its not, you are insane) I feel the bigger problem is these players don’t even want to try to be part of a guild or find a home, on the flip side no one wants to teach them or help them become better players.

For us old timers playing since the 'dawn of wow time" nothing in wow is hard anymore, X boss will summon X add or put circle on the floor move out fire stay away from dragon head or tail etc etc.

For a new player this seems to be like the hardest thing to understand. I wish there was a way for players to learn and become better outside the Toxic crap house that is LFR but sadly there is not and players don’t even want to try.

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Fair post, and if you decide to come out of that crafting shell and want to hamster wheel M+ with someone who knows mostly M+, Sambouki#1202. As long as it doesn’t interfere with sledding ofc.

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What I want is LFR-normal.

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The T squad posts are about DEI twitter emulation.

This isn’t what this OP is about. This OP is just repeating the “War on casual content” mega thread narrative, which is a common narrative from a segment of WoW players that simply refuse to ever zone into an instance.

They exist, are loud and entitled. They aren’t trolling, they’re 100% serious in their ridiculous demand for Epics from trivial content.

Oh, I’ve been actively taking a break after dabling my toes in Fated lfr for a bit to see what it went like and it was…‘fun’ we’ll say lol. Alot of the ‘open world’ content revolves around questing, being side quests, world quests, story quests, etc, and more and more the world and daily quests have felt just like a ‘do this to get seasonal currency y because you need tons of it and not much else in the way of getting it’ if that makes sense? I’m HOPING that’s not the case in DF, as I’m…honestly tired of each expansion bringing in a bajillion new currencies you have to farm, only for it to be time gated so if you don’t do your daily chores you quickly fall behind on what’s needed to have any type of progression.

It absolutely is.

Take a commonly divisive topic, post, and let the flames get higher and higher.