So You Like Your PvP Server

I can’t imagine it being fun in the first place when you’re forced to camp flight paths for honor. But to say it is 100% dead because you chose the wrong side is a stretch; my server’s ally actually manage to occupy BRD on occasion despite the imbalance, and despite being outnumbered I do have the option of playing hit and run if I really wanted to (there’s been no shortage of LF healer ads for WPVP).

My point is Blizzard truly would kill PvP servers (or at least rename them PvE) if they opened the free transfer floodgates now.

PS: Is this acceptable evidence that I play the game to you? Because I really want to hit Trust 3 at some point, you know…

Pvp servers would still exist, yall would just have to relocate yourselves and communicate about what you want to do. If people transfer that just means that they dont like pvp servers. From what I have read some of yall are just hoping that the pve crowd will just deal with it for your enjoyment. Pvp servers will exist as long as there are people that play on them, you just wont have that big of a population and thats no ones fault. People enjoy/dont like pvp. No one should have to stay on them, a transfer and a reroll means you are still losing a person. Its just a win for blizzard because they can keep a monthly sub.

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I don’t want anything fixed you don’t have to do anything just allow transfers please.


You had me curious enough to go look into it, and wow; this is going to be quite entertaining to read for the next few hours.

Hopefully it’s an eye opener to the rest of the realms in-game right now, but I doubt it.

They’re already dead for some of us on certain servers in certain factions, so…


I don’t play this character anymore but would transfer her off should transfers become available.

i will forever declare that i do not want transfers. you made your bed, you lie in it. that’s how this works.

I’ve heard people from that server say they enjoy themselves. Pretty sure horde players too :thinking:

I agree, i am just pointing out they already killed it. (in my mind at least) There are no words to express the disappointment of watching blizzard taking a server that had created something they claimed was its focus (A healthy Community) and sending that server to the prison showers without a soap on a rope.

It’s fine though, I get BG’s next week and then i can start playing the real game of world of instancecraft.

I’ve been gone far too long. No clue what this means.

Ask them where they stand now. No need to take my word for it.

Basically, if you post a certain number of times on a set character, you can post GIFs and web links on the forums.

And yeah, overall I agree that Blizzard should have intervened in some minor way instead of helping to make it worse. I just don’t see it changing for the better, and would prefer not to make it worse : /

Is that why everyone posts from retail?

I seriously had no idea.

Explain the difference between leaving the server and playing an alt on another server? The server still losses players :expressionless:

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id pay $100 for it at this point.

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Because you can hop back and forth between characters on different servers. Just because you roll an alt on a new server doesn’t mean you have to delete your old char. It’ll still be there when you come back to check on it.

Funny but I don’t see any alliance here telling the horde on the very few realms they outnumber them on that that need to l2p, gitgood, pvp happened on a pvp server etc. I was horde since BC. I am ashamed of the horde now.

When you transfer, and that’s a little too easy, your character is off that server for good. If you re-roll, you can choose to go back when the servers are better (when BGs come out)


Terrible friends. Shoulda went with your first choice of PvE. Not hard to re-roll/start over :cocktail:

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Relevant user name.

blizzard, listen to your paying customers and let us PAY YOU MORE MONEY!!! I will give you money blizzard LET ME OUT!!!

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What is the difference between people rerolling or people transferring?