I agree I should’ve done more research. I just went along with my friends.
Why would it kill every single PVP server? Once the population dropped to where it should be it won’t be a toxic prison simulator.
Ruined the game? You’re type? Who asked for servers 5 times larger than high pop servers back in Vanilla? Entitled?! They are asking for a transfer. That doesn’t affect you at all. And here you are crying about something that doesn’t affect you at all. Why are you here? Are you one of the toxic people the OP is trying to get away from?
This is so frustrating. This isn’t what people ordered this is a twisted Disney land where all the rides are taken by the Horde and whenever someone get tired of waiting in a line that never moved the horde yells “if you didn’t want to wait in line you shouldn’t have come to Disney land”.
It’s not about balance. It’s about server population being much larger than it should be.
Live with your choice? Be the underdog? You’ve no idea what you are talking about. Do you actually think the problem is PVP on a PVP server? This isn’t PVP this is honor farming entire zones. The issue is overpopulation and not having enough places for people to farm honor and people being selfish turds. This isn’t the kind of pvp where people occasionally get into a fight it’s a prison full of people who get points for killing other prisoners.
No that’s stupid. That defeats the whole point in transferring rather than rerolling. Anyone who doesn’t like a PVP server because they can’t do anything isn’t going to have much in the bank anyway.
If it stays this bad I’ll just going to stop playing, there is no way I’m going to do all that work all over again.
With servers still overpopulated this will only help slightly.
If everyone who wants to leave that server does what difference does it make how they do it? If they stop playing or reroll to a new server they are still gone. If the game isn’t fun anymore because it takes so long to do anything why would they stay? Why would I care about a server I wanted to leave or any of the people on it that made it a terrible experience?
Nope Blizzard did by packing servers with 5 times the number of players into servers than they had back on very active servers in Vanilla. Blizzard is the one who ruined people’s experience and those people who ruined the game with their toxic honor farming are next in line for the blame.
Where did you get your data about “most people” Do you know most people, did you do a survey on most people? How would you know what most people are or will do? I can promise you if it takes me 10 times longer to get to 40 on my alt as it did on my main, I’m going to stop playing. There is no way I’m going to run guildies through BRD if it keeps taking me 45 minutes to get to the entrance of the dungeon. A full clear of BRD is already long enough adding nearly another hour is more time than I can afford to use.
Are you sure? I’m here in this forum and not playing.
I’m so effing tired of this response. It’s so effing stupid. I’ve spent 12 days played so far. Why would I do it all over again? Why wouldn’t blizzard find a way to reduce server populations? They never should have let servers get 5 times larger than they were back in Vanilla.
This effing post again? I like PVP, this isn’t PVP. This is zone wide honor farming by 100s of players over two zones. This isn’t the occasional ganking or the occasional flight path camping it’s constant and it wasn’t like this is Vanilla.
Have you leveled a Paladin yet? I will not do it again, hell no.
People are not complaining about PVP servers. They are complaining about overpopulated PVP servers where so many people are farming honor it takes so much longer to do anything. The crowding sucked before because there were more griefers, but it didn’t take 45 minutes to get into BRD like it does now. Being told to reroll because Blizzzard screwed us with their high pop servers honor before BG’s is insulting. It’s not a solution. It’s a useless platitude. It wasn’t my fault Blizzard couldn’t figure out a way to reduce servers populations to where they were back in Vanilla. And why should I have to throw away several days of played time and all the work I’d done because of their mistake?
You are basing your opinion on speculation and not on fact, so your answer doesn’t mean anything and your attitude is why people are going to quit if it doesn’t get better I sure as hell am not wasting my time on a game I don’t enjoy.
Did Blizzard say how many servers they would open on the day the game was released? Did they say how big the servers would be when layering was removed? They didn’t. There was no way of knowing Blizzard could have been so clueless as to have many times the number of people the game world could handle on each server.
The ratio doesn’t matter the servers are just too large. They need to open up new servers with free transfers and keep doing it until server populations are about what they were back in Vanilla.
There was no research to do that would have prepared you any better. PVP servers back in Vanilla were not this bad. Not even close.
Everybody here is basing their opinion on speculation.
Because the smaller side is going to jump ship MUCH more than the bigger one will. See: Heartseeker refugees.
Someone else already answered, but the idea is not everyone’s going to be cool with spending the money on a transfer.
its either not a fun result for the topdog who is honor farming them, but continued presence on said server is not fun for the people being honor farmed. I don’t think the fair solution is to just leave the imbalance as is without offering transfers to those that want to pay the price. But I do think it should wait until after BGs are launched.
IMO: You rolled on a pvp server, you got your “pvp”. You don’t like the imbalance? Fine, you can leave and go elsewhere - pay the “penalty” vs. rerolling.
The roll out of pvp content hasnt exactly been a secret. You and everyone else knew that world pvp would be the only way to gain honor prior to bgs being released. It is no ones fault but your own for not understanding what you would be signing up for. Even I get annoyed when it takes me 45 minutes to get from Thelsemar to DM but I dont whine on the forums because I understand that is what I signed up for.
I don’t actually disagree with this. At all.
Nothing is stopping you from going to another server. The community is not responsible to fix your mistake and lack of foresight.
Good news, Zorbin! You can leave your PvP server any time you want! It is very simple. You just log in, hit the ‘Change Server’ button, and pick a PvE server. Then hit ‘Create Character’, and you’re on your way to a world free of ganking, where you can rest easy knowing that players of the opposite faction won’t be relentlessly farming you like the resource you are.
Look on the plus side, it’s a cheap way to learn that lesson.
Lots of people learned that lesson with stock investments or similar things and lost tens of thousands of dollars (or more). Even if you had hated every second on the server since launch, you’re out under fifty bucks.
This already has happened on Flamelash.
I welcome it. For what it’s worth, I’m on a PvP server on my alt. It’s rather balanced and has been super enjoyable.
These imbalanced servers are just sickening and some of the player base that come from it to here is just as bad.
I hope their servers under up like Flamelash.
It doesn’t matter whether anyone on this forum compromises or not. You would need Blizzard to decide to add transfers, which, if they do, it won’t matter if literally everyone on this forum but you hates the idea.
While they are not doing so, I suggest you start a new character on a PvE realm. You can think of them as an alt. That is, if you’re having fun playing the game except for the part where you’re in Ganktown: there’s no logic in not playing it until Blizzard does something they may never do.
Im on an alliance dominated pvp server. It is no longer fun. The pvp portion of servers already died. You just didn’t notice because you were too busy playing retail.
Factions will eventually equal out?!
I guess hope springs eternal…
I might do it just for the obnoxious pink gear.
You already can leave the PvP server.
Just roll up a new character on a PvE server.
How about waiting until BGs release before throwing a tantrum about the state of playing on a PvP server? Nah? Too much to ask, i guess.
Too bad Blizzard didn’t include any actual dates on their phase rollout plan or take any proactive steps to manage faction balance on PvP realms from the very beginning.
Yeah, we all signed up for significantly imbalanced wPvP…
Truly, the rare NPC experience.
I’m going to clue you in on a secret - world PvP is never balanced, and that is how it was intended.
Where would you go?
Up until yesterday, there were server transfers available for the highest population servers.
It may. It may greatly. It depends on where people may choose to move to and how transfers may be made available, like to which realms.
I don’t really have much in the way of evidence, but I would be skeptical that the free transfers, I imagine were in place to reduce the populations of some of the mega servers, had the desired impact.
A lot of people have rerolled. A lot of the people saying, “Just reroll” are the ones who have rerolled.
This sounds quite reasonable, but it may or may not actually be. If it’s a compromise that 99% has to make for 1% it’s probably not reasonable.
I suppose better defining what precisely the agreed upon problem definitions are, the proposed solutions, and how success in resolving issues is measured would be helpful for determining what sorts of compromises may make sense.