So You Like Your PvP Server

Honest question?

If you want to come to PVE, why not reroll?

  1. You cant be the only person wanting to move, so you wouldnt be coming alone, hell bring your entire guild.

  2. Everyone on PVE is not 60, you will find lots of other people to level with and what not.

Seems non productive to sit in misery and grind your teeth waiting for something that may or may not happen, when you could already be on your way to leveling and having fun?

I don’t have a guild so I would be the only person coming. I’m hoping I can transfer because I have invested close to 300 hours in this character. Have my epic mount and such, really put a lot of time in.

I am sure others would come, and again, it is not like in PVE land, there is no one waiting to play with you.

I started classic way late, because i lost track of it and did not realize it had even become a thing.
I have never had problems finding people to do stuff with, even at the zombie hours i usually play in.

You are on a PvP server.

Remember Warcraft III? If the enemy has stronger forces then you, hit him in the rear! Take out his peons…destroy is lumber mill!

While you are going head to head with a superior horde force, I am lvl 55 in a leveling zone only rarely seeing Alliance parties of 2 or 3 come through and interrupt my leveling.

If you are the Underdog, play strategically. I have had amazing fights with 60s that have come to harvest me. So much fun. More often then not I die. But every once in a while I can get my mob on one of them and take him out.

I do not respect someone who tries to sit on my face after my death. I do respect someone who is killing a leveling member of the Horde that is getting ready for BGs next week.

Be the balance you seek.


This comment is the embodiment of Horde privilege. He speaks of 1 level 60 Alliance attacking him while he is already leveling with a chance to beat them. Meanwhile the alliance on his server probably can’t make it past a flight path let alone accept a quest or get to a grinding spot without a raid of honor thirsty rank 14 wannabes spitting on his corpse and telling him to gO tO rEtAiL. Want to know why you rarely see Alliance interrupting your leveling? They are being farmed like cattle because the horde to alliance ratios are horrible and only getting worse. You are essentially the trustfund kid telling the poor, who live on the wrong side of the tracks to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

I understand, that is kind of you to say. I am still deciding what to do, a lot of it depends on how things change on Tuesday

Im starting to worry if the PvE realms can handle it. Ive been pretty excited about the influx Pagle-PvE has been having. But holy shizzle its really starting to…

I dunno. At this rate the queues are gonna be back on weekdays too instead of just weekends.

I think it’ll be alright there’s enough PvE servers to even things out especially if the transfers are paid

People who roll on a new server don’t have to delete their characters on the old server. They can still come back, if conditions change.

Okay that is a fair point

If I feel like I can’t play a character anymore so much that I’m willing to leave it behind, what difference does it make whether I transfer it off the server or I reroll/quit.

Either way, the server takes a hit.

The difference is, a lot of us have played our characters since the beginning (so 3 1/2 months now) and it feels crappy to have to throw it all away and start over. So much so that many would rather quit.

The server is taking a hit regardless. But if we can transfer to a PvE server, then classic still retains members and can continue to flourish.

If we quit, then it’s less people on your server, and less people on classic.


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I have rerolled, but I am still holding out hope they will allow paid transfers. I have 8+ days played on alliance, and 7+ days on horde, for my main characters (characters I made launch day) that I would really love to not just abandon all the work I have put towards them.


That’s nice, but again, the amount who would just transfer (the easy route) would be double the amount who actually re-roll/quit. And again, by re-rolling, your toon is still there so when you see the servers aren’t as bad when BGs come out, you can go back to that toon.

You realise that there need to be crybabies for us to kill, right…? If all of the weakest links transferred off, who would be at the bottom? PvP servers would eventually just die off if everyone had that mindset and transferred off the moment they died once or twice lol.

Yes that is my point too. I made this character on launch day and would like to not abandon the work I already put in. I don’t have any other characters yet aside from a few low level alts but it all comes down to what happens on Tuesday


I win. And those like me, who tried to warn people that PvP servers were going to suck. After all the people saying that PvP servers were the ‘real’ game and anyone else was a ‘carebear’ that was only ‘pretending’ to play WoW, I can honestly say that Phase 2 is GLORIOUS. I’m sitting here on a PvE server, strolling through Azshara getting felcloth, and just loving life, listening to wailing and moaning of the PvP crowd. It gives me a nice warm glow, like drinking hot chocolate on a cold winter’s morning, watching people’s cars sliding in the snow outside as they go to work.

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Haha yeah I didn’t wanna start an argument over it with them but it is what it is. I have learned from it.

You’re not going to argue by simply just creating a character on a PvE Server, to begin with. If your friends can’t respect your wants nor desires, dump 'em. I had friends that wanted me to roll on an EST Server, when I’m PST. I followed my own gut, and I’m much happier. They all quit, and I’m still playing :cocktail:

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No I was saying I didn’t want to start an argument with them when the game first came out I was so excited to play I was like ya whatever you guys wanna do. I mean we voted on it but after that I didn’t press it

No, IK, but there’s no real arguing, if you just create a Toon on a PvE Server with or without your friends. Like a secret toon, almost :cocktail:

Yes I am strongly leaning towards that I will be deciding next week after bgs launch and we see how everything shakes out